BWE 1 Mesmer PvP – Guild Wars 2


This was taken over the BWE 4/27/12 – 4/29/12. I played Mesmer more than the other professions, I really enjoyed its mechanics, but the damage seems a little low. However, I used a build that gains 3% for each illusion out, because I felt the damage/utility from destroying them was less than the damage/utility from having them up. Also, I tried to get traits to buff phantoms, because as you’ll see in some clips the berserker and duelist can burst pretty hard at times. In the moments I’m playing well I try to get out berserker then wep swap to get out duelist when I’m not spamming GS 1 =P. I need to test a lot more builds and gameplay styles for it though. I made a longer video this time, let me know in the comments what length you like best. My Necro is about 8mins, Ranger 15mins and this is about 25mins. I added more mumble comments from guildies, I’d like feedback on that as well. If people like it I can keep it up, but maybe it’s only funny to us and you’d prefer the music not cut out for them. Thanks for watching!

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Some of the Music (Available for free or donations)



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Post Last Modified: October 10, 2012 10:38 pm