Mesmer PvP [Sword/Pistol/Mind Wrack]


Sup all, I know its been too long since my last upload, but I’ve been working on our new site for GW2 and are both up while we work on rolling out features before we officially launch the site, but since you watch my videos I’ll let you see it early! Working on a guide/build voting system and wvw mode for the calc with racial skills. Anyway, this is the mesmer build I’ve been playing in 5’s and these are clips from about 45 mins of play this morning. I’ll be releasing more videos for every class with top tournament builds. Thanks for watching!

ITM Skill Calc;9;4JJ;0T06-19;506AU-…

Music by Die Antwoord
Never Le Nkemise
I Fink U Freeky
Baby’s On Fire
Fok Julie Naaiers

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Post Last Modified: October 11, 2012 1:23 am