Engineer WvW | Small Group Pistol/Shield | Roamer Obi's High Condition Roamer (4/15 update)

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High condition damage/duration with high mobility make this engineer a great roamer in small groups and super fun to play once mastered!


Also, to give credit, everything I've learned on how to play Engineer came from studying Teldo and Kiroshi who both helped popularize this build, I suggest that you watch their Twitch channels.



Feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions!
[Rx] Obi Nader ~ Sea of Sorrows

I. Weapons and Skills

Apothecary's Pistol
  • Weapon Strength: 876-1029
  • Healing Power: 120
  • Toughness: 85
  • Condition Damage: 85
Rabid Shield
  • Weapon Strength: 806-909

  • Weapon Defense: 61
  • Condition Damage: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Toughness: 85
Rabid Harpoon Gun
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
  • Condition Damage: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Toughness: 85
  • Regenerating Mist19
    Tool belt. Release a mist of healing liquid to regenerate nearby allies.
    x2Regeneration: 3 s (780 health)Range: 480Combo Field: Water
    • Detonate Healing Turret
      Detonate your healing turret.
      Combo Finisher: Blast
  • Throw Wrench½ 15½
    Tool belt. Throw your wrench so that it returns to you, striking foes each way. Repair any turrets that the wrench hits.
    Damage: 244Combo Finisher: ProjectileRange: 900
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Big Ol' Bomb½ 22¾
    Tool belt. Set a timed charge with a big blast that launches nearby foes.
    Damage: 548Blowout: 400Radius: 300Combo Finisher: Blast
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Rocket Kick½ 15½
    Tool belt. Use your rocket boots to do an explosive kick that burns foes.
    Damage: 183Burning: 5 s (1640 damage)Range: 300
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Med Pack Drop
    Tool belt. Call down a supply drop of med packs into the target area.
    • 0
  • Explosive Shot½
    Fire a shot that explodes on impact, bleeding nearby foes.
    Damage: 118Bleeding: 3 s (85 damage)Radius: 120Combo Finisher: Projectile (20% chance)Range: 900
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Poison Dart Volley8
    Fire a volley of darts that poison foes.
    Damage: 134Poison: 2 s (168 damage)Number of Darts: 5Range: 900
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Static Shot12
    Discharge a lightning shot that bounces between multiple foes, blinding and confusing them.
    Damage: 134Blind: 3 sx2Confusion: 3 s (130 damage on skill use)Number of bounces: 4Range: 900
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Magnetic Shield3 30
    Create a magnetic field that reflects projectiles and can be released to push back foes.
    Duration: 3
    • Magnetic Inversion
      Release the magnetic field to push back nearby foes.
      Damage: 76Knockback: 300Combo Finisher: Blast
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Static Shield40
    Electrify your shield, preparing to throw it at foes. If you are hit, the shield discharges, stunning your nearby attacker.
    Stun: 1 sBlock duration: 2
    • Throw Shield¾
      Throw your charged shield. Dazes foes it hits on the way out and back.
      Daze: 1 sDamage: 151Combo Finisher: ProjectileRange: 900
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Healing Turret ½ 20
    Turret. Deploys a turret that heals you briefly, then regenerates you and your allies.
    Healing: 2,520Regeneration: 3 s (Cast every 3 seconds)Radius: 480
    • Cleansing Burst15
      Overcharge your healing turret, supplying a burst of healing that cures 2 conditions.
      Healing: 2,520Regeneration: 5 sCombo Field: WaterRadius: 480
  • Tool Kit
    Weapon kit. Equip a kit that gives you a variety of tools.
    Swiftness: 5 s
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Bomb Kit
    Device kit. Equip a kit that replaces your weapon with bomb skills.
    Swiftness: 5 s
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Rocket Boots20
    Gadget. Fly backward, damaging foes with your rocket exhaust. Cures immobilized, crippled, and chilled.
    Damage: 244Rocket Distance: 900Radius: 120
    • 0
      Swiftness: 5 s
  • Supply Crate1 180
    Request a massive supply drop, complete with turrets and bandages.
    Damage: 244Stun: 2 sRadius: 240Combo Finisher: BlastRange: 1,200
    • Overcharge Supply Crate
      Overcharge supply crate's turrets.

Weapon and Skill Details

Standard Variations that I normally run include:

  • Roaming: Tool Kit, Bomb Kit and/or Grenade Kit, Rocket Boots or Elixir S (replacing either Bomb Kit or Grenade Kit)
  • Zerg: Tool Kit, Bomb Kit, Grenade Kit

II. Traits

Adept Master Grandmaster

Trait Details

Link to build




You will be switching up the traits in this line depending on Kit selection:

  • Bomb Kit and Grenade Kit - III, IX, XI
  • Bomb Kit only - III, IX, VII
  • Grenade Kit only - II, IX, XI
  • II - Shrapnel useful for extra bleeds
  • III - Forceful Explosives will make your bombs explode with a larger radius (Glue Bomb is awesome with this)
  • VII - Short Fuse reduces your cool-downs on your Bombkit skills by 20%
  • IX - Incendiary Powder is an awesome trait for condition spec'd Engineer, burning is a very powerful condition.
  • IX - Grenadier is a must have when running Grenade kit.



  • I - Invigorating Speed combined with Speedy Kits allows you to keep Vigor up.
  • IV - Protection Injection is a excellent trait for good protection upkeep (4s on 5s cd).
  • IX - Backpack Regenerator gives you some added sustain (125 hp per sec)
  • XII - Automated Response is an amazing defensive trait, making you virtually immune to conditions when your health is low, run this over Protection Injection depending on how you feel.



  • VI - Speedy Kits allows you to keep permanent Swiftness up

III. Stat Specifics & Effects

Primary Stats

  • Health 18922 (+3000)
  • Vitality 1216 (+300)
  • Armor 2631 (+651)
  • Toughness 1567 (+651)
  • Attack 2085 (+200)
  • Power 1116 (+200)
  • Critical Hit 27% (+27%)
  • Precision 1491 (+575)

Secondary Stats

  • Agony Resistance 15 (+15)
  • Boon Duration 30% (+30%)
  • Burning Duration 45% (+45%)
  • Condition Damage 1349 (+1349)
  • Condition Duration 60% (+60%)
  • Critical Damage 6% (+6%)
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords -6% (+-6%)
  • Damage 969 (+0%)
  • Defense 1064 (+0)
  • Experience from Kills 20% (+20%)
  • Ferocity 100 (+100)
  • Healing Power 247 (+247)
  • Tool Belt Recharge Rate 10% (+10%)


  • Aegis
    Block the next attack.
  • Distortion
    Allows mesmers to evade attacks for some time.
  • Frenzy
    Increases damage taken by 25%. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Frosty Armor
    Chills foes that hit you.
  • Fury
    20% critical chance increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Haste
    Regenerate endurance at 50% effectiveness when under the effects of this skill. It's typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Invulnerability
    Prevents the target from taking damage or receiving conditions. It is also placed on rallied players for one second.
  • Might
    X damage per attack increase. Stacks intensity.
  • Protection
    33% damage reduction. Stacks in duration.
  • Quickening Zephyr
    Prevents healing. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Quickness
    Makes all skills and actions 50% faster.
  • Regeneration
    Regenerates X health per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Rejuvenation
    Regenerates health. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession through the Virtue of Resolve.
  • Resistance
    Resistance temporarily negates the affected target of all effects caused by conditions.
  • Retaliation
    Does X damage to an opponent each time they hit you. Stacks in duration.
  • Smiting
    Causes every fifth attack to apply burning. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession.
  • Stability
    Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, or feared.
  • Stealth
    Allows the user to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being spotted by enemy NPCs.
  • Swiftness
    33% movement speed increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Vigor
    Faster endurance regeneration. Stacks in duration.


  • Agony
    Agony is an effect unique to Fractals of the Mists that removes a percentage of the player's health every second and reduces received healing by ~50%.
  • Bleeding
    Bleeding is a stackable condition that deals damage over time.
  • Blind
    Causes the target's next hit to miss instead.
  • Burning
    Inflicts X damage per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Chilled
    Reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 66%. Stacks in duration.
  • Confusion
    Inflicts X damage each time a foe uses skill. Stacks in intensity.
  • Crippled
    Crippled is a condition which decreases movement speed by 50%. Stacks in duration.
  • Fear
    Causes the target to run directly away from the caster.
  • Immobilized
    Immobilized is a condition which prevents movement and dodging. Victims also can't turn. Stacks in duration.
  • Poison
    Inflicts X damage per second. Reduces outgoing heals by 33%. Stacks in duration.
  • Slow
    Slow is a condition that reduces the activation time of skills and abilities.
  • Taunt
    Taunt is a control effect that forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill.
  • Torment
    Deals damage every second; deals additional damage if moving; stacks intensity.
  • Vulnerability
    Increases damage the target takes by 1%. Stacks in intensity.
  • Weakness
    Causes 50% of attacks to be glancing and reduces endurance regeneration by 50%. Stacks in duration.


  • Break Stun
    Stun break is an effect which can break control effects on a character.
  • Daze
    Interrupts and prevents the target from using skills for a period of time.
  • Float
    Forces the affected target(s) to move towards the surface.
  • Knockdown
    Interrupts and causes the foe to be unable to move or use skills for a short duration. Knocked down foes fall to the ground.
  • Launch
    Interrupts and tosses a character into the air.
  • Pull
    Shortens the distance between the user and the foe by drawing one of them to another. If a foe is pulled, this can result in an interrupt.
  • Push
    Physically pushes foes away from the player and interrupts them.
  • Sink
    Forces the affected target(s) to move away from the surface.
  • Stun
    Interrupts, immobilizes, and incapacitates foes for a short duration.
  • Teleport
    Teleport to target location.
  • Teleport
    Teleport (alternatively, flash) is a mechanic that causes the user or target(s) to instantly move from one location to another.

Fields & Finishers

  • Dark Field
    Dark Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Blindness
    Leap Finisher: Blindness
    Projectile Finisher: Life stealing
    Whirl Finsher: Leeching Bolts
  • Ethereal Field
    Ethereal Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Chaos Armor
    Leap Finisher: Chaos Armor
    Projectile Finisher: Confusion
    Whirl Finsher: Confounding Bolts
  • Fire Field
    Fire Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Might
    Leap Finisher: Fire Shield
    Projectile Finisher: Burning
    Whirl Finsher: Burning Bolts
  • Ice Field
    Ice Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Frost Aura
    Leap Finisher: Frost Aura
    Projectile Finisher: Chilled
    Whirl Finsher: Chilling Bolts
  • Light Field
    Light Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Retaliation
    Leap Finisher: Retaliation
    Projectile Finisher: Remove Condition
    Whirl Finsher: Cleansing Bolts
  • Lightning Field
    Lightning Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Swiftness
    Leap Finisher: Dazing Strike
    Projectile Finisher: Vulnerability
    Whirl Finsher: Brutal Bolts
  • Poison Field
    Poison Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Weakness
    Leap Finisher: Weakness
    Projectile Finisher: Poison
    Whirl Finsher: Poison Bolts
  • Revealed
    Revealed is an effect applied when stealth is broken, for example by entering combat or exiting a Shadow Refuge circle prematurely.
  • Smoke Field
    Smoke Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Stealth
    Leap Finisher: Stealth
    Projectile Finisher: Blindness
    Whirl Finsher: Blinding Bolts
  • Super Speed
    Activate your slick shoes, enabling you to move at superior speeds.
  • Water Field
    Water Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Healing
    Leap Finisher: Healing
    Projectile Finisher: Regeneration
    Whirl Finsher: Healing Bolts
  • Blast Finisher
    Blast Combo Effects

    Dark: Area Blindness
    Ethereal: Area Chaos Armor
    Fire: Area Might
    Ice: Area Frost Aura
    Light: Area Retaliation
    Lightning: Area Swiftness
    Poison: Area Weakness
    Smoke: Area Stealth
    Water: Area Healing
  • Leap Finisher
    Leap Combo Effects

    Dark: Blindness
    Ethereal: Chaos Armor
    Fire: Fire Shield
    Ice: Frost Aura
    Light: Retaliation
    Lightning: Dazing Strike
    Poison: Weakness
    Smoke: Stealth
    Water: Healing
  • Projectile Finisher
    Projectile Combo Effects

    Dark: Life stealing
    Ethereal: Confusion
    Fire: Burning
    Ice: Chilled
    Light: Remove Condition
    Lightning: Vulnerability
    Poison: Poison
    Smoke: Blindness
    Water: Regeneration
  • Whirl Finisher
    Whirl Combo Effects

    Dark: Leeching Bolts
    Ethereal: Confounding Bolts
    Fire: Burning Bolts
    Ice: Chilling Bolts
    Light: Cleansing Bolts
    Lightning: Brutal Bolts
    Poison: Poison Bolts
    Smoke: Blinding Bolts
    Water: Healing Bolts

Stat and Effect Details

Lots of conditions, CC, and fields/finishers. Learn to use all of these to your advantage!

IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items

Food Nourishment

Rare Veggie Pizza
Duration: 30min
Condition Duration: 40%
Condition Damage: 70
Experience from Kills: 10%
  • (30min)
  • Condition Duration: 40%
  • Condition Damage: 70
  • Experience from Kills: 10%

Utility Nourishment

Master Tuning Crystal
Duration: 30min
Gain Condition damage equal to 6% of your toughness
Gain Condition damage equal to 4% of your vitality
Experience from Kills: 10%
  • (30min)
  • Gain Condition damage equal to 6% of your toughness
  • Gain Condition damage equal to 4% of your vitality
  • Experience from Kills: 10%

Armor & Runes

Orrian Reward Helm
  • Defense: 97
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Orrian Reward Pauldrons
  • Defense: 97
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Orrian Reward Breastplate
  • Defense: 338
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Orrian Reward Gauntlets
  • Defense: 157
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Orrian Reward legguards
  • Defense: 218
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Orrian Reward Greaves
  • Defense: 157
Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Armor Stat Totals

  • Defense 1064
  • Condition Damage 175
  • Burning Duration 45%

Rune Bonuses

Superior Rune of Balthazar
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Burning Duration: 10%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Accessories & Jewels

Hymn to the ProphetsOffensive Slot
  • Condition Damage: 157
  • Precision: 108
  • Toughness: 108
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Condition Damage: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Apothecary's Back (Infused)Defensive Slot
  • Healing Power: 63
  • Toughness: 40
  • Condition Damage: 40
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
  • Toughness: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Khilbron's Phylactery (Infused)Offensive Slot
  • Condition Damage: 126
  • Precision: 85
  • Toughness: 85
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Condition Damage: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Mellaggan's Whorl (Infused)Defensive Slot
  • Condition Damage: 112
  • Precision: 67
  • Toughness: 85
  • Healing Power: 32
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
  • Toughness: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Fierceshot's ArrowheadOffensive Slot
  • Condition Damage: 110
  • Precision: 74
  • Toughness: 74
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Condition Damage: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Imperial Chef Yileng's Golden SpoonDefensive Slot
  • Condition Damage: 96
  • Precision: 56
  • Toughness: 74
  • Healing Power: 32
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
  • Toughness: 5
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%

Accessory Totals

  • Precision:390
  • Toughness:481
  • Condition Damage:656
  • Healing Power:127
  • Agony Resistance:15
  • DMG Taken from Guards and Lords:-6%

Weapon Set Sigils

Apothecary's Pistol
  • Weapon Strength: 876-1029
  • Healing Power: 120
  • Toughness: 85
  • Condition Damage: 85
Rabid Shield
  • Weapon Strength: 806-909

  • Weapon Defense: 61
  • Condition Damage: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Toughness: 85
Sigil of Superior Doom
You deal poison on your next attack for 8 seconds after you swap to this weapon while in combat.
Sigil of Minor Corruption
You gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)

Weapon Set I

Sigil of Superior Doom

You deal poison on your next attack for 8 seconds after you swap to this weapon while in combat.

Sigil of Minor Corruption

You gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)

Rabid Harpoon Gun
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
  • Condition Damage: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Toughness: 85
Sigil of Superior Earth
60% chance to do a 5s bleed on critical.

Water Weapon I

Sigil of Superior Earth

60% chance to do a 5s bleed on critical.

Upgrade Item Details

I'm currently running Full Rabid Armor with Runes of Balthazar for insane Burn duration (Perplexity or Undead runes are also viable). I mixed in some Apothecary items to bump up my healing power a bit, which is useful for an increase in Backpack Regeneration and all of the blasts in water fields.


You can get the armor from karma vendors in Orr and the Undead runes are very cheap off of the TP to start out with. You can also get exotic Rabid trinkets from vendors in Orr and slot in Crest of the Rabid if you can't get the ascended trinkets yet. In my trinkets I have WvW Malign and Resilient Infusions for added Condition damage and Toughness.


Koi Cakes are cheaper than Veggie Pizzas at the moment and give you the same buff although only for 20m instead of 30m.

V. Basic Gameplay

In order to beat your enemy you must create pressure on them, if you are not able to pressure them with all of your conditions then you will not win the fight because they will be able to set up their attacks on you easily.


Also, you have ways to disengage through blocks, knockbacks, rocket boots, etc. Before you enter fights think about how you will get out of them when things aren't going as planned and learn to manage your cool-downs so that you don't just waste all of them.

Main Skill Rotation


Post a Comment
@ 07:21 AM, Tue January 28 2014 Reply
Would you ever consider a offhand pistol? I have trouble stacking conditions quickly enough.
@ 02:08 AM, Sat February 15 2014 Reply
Just started using a variation of this build, massive thumbs up from me tyvm