Thief PvE | Dungeon Dagger/Dagger, Dagger/Pistol | Damage My Thief test build for the 23rd
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Thief test build.
I. Weapons and Skills
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Pistol
- Weapon Strength: 876-1029
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
- Wild StrikeStrike your foe again. Gain endurance with a successful strike.Damage: 286Endurance gain: 10Range: 130
- Lotus Strike¼Strike your foe and inflict poison.Damage: 286Poison: 4 s (336 damage)Range: 130
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Deadly Arts
- Serpent’s TouchStealing inflicts 2 stacks of poison for 10 seconds. Your attacks while in the downed state apply 2 seconds of poison.
- Dagger TrainingDagger attacks have a 33% chance to poison enemies for 2 seconds.
- MugDeal damage and gain life when stealing. This attack cannot critically hit enemies.
- Trappers RespiteDrop a needle trap when you use a healing skill. 30 second icd
- Lotus PoisonWeaken targets for 4 seconds when you poison them.
- Deadly TrapperTraps apply vulnerability to enemies and grant you might. Trap recharges are reduced.
- Panic StrikeStriking a foe that is below the health threshold immobilizes them for 2.5 seconds. This trait has a 20 second internal cooldown.
- Revealed TrainingGain up to 200 extra power while you are revealed, based on current level.
- Exposed WeaknessDeal 10% more damage if your target has a condition.
- Potent PoisonPoison you apply has a 33% increased duration and deals 33% more damage.
- ImprovisationOne random skill category is immediate recharged when you steal. You can use stolen items twice.
- ExecutionerDeal 20% extra damage when your target is below the health threshold.
Critical Strikes
- Keen ObserverCritical-hit chance is increased by 5% while your health is above the 90% threshold.
- Side StrikeGain 7% bonus critical-hit chance when hitting a foe from behind or the side.
- Signet of PowerActivating a signet grants 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds. Signet recharges are reduced by 20%.
- Flawless StrikeCritical damage is increased by 7% when your health is above the 90% threshold.
- Unrelenting StrikesGain fury for 4 seconds when striking a foe whose health is below 50% health. This effect has a 10 second internal cooldown.
- Sundering StrikesCritical hits have a chance to cause 6 seconds of vulnerability.
- Practiced ToleranceGain ferocity based on your precision at a rate of 10%.
- Ankle ShotsCritical hits with pistols and harpoon guns have a 60% chance to cripple foes, with an 8 second cooldown. Pistol and harpoon gun attacks deal 10% increased damage to crippled foes.
- Ferocious StrikesCritical damage is increased by 10% to foes above the 50% health threshold.
- No QuarterLanding a critical hit while under the effect of fury extends the duration of fury by 2 seconds (this effect has a 2 second internal cooldown). Gain up to 250 ferocity (based on level) while under the effects of fury.
- Hidden KillerGain 100% bonus critical-hit chance while in stealth
Shadow Arts
- Merciful AmbushStealth yourself and your target for 3 seconds when reviving an ally. You revive allies 10% faster.
- Last RefugeUse Blinding Powder when you are struck while below 25% health.
- Concealed DefeatCreate a Smoke Screen when downed. Deception abilities recharge 20% faster.
- Shadow’s EmbraceRemove 1 condition every 3 seconds while in stealth.
- Meld with ShadowsStealth from your abilities last 1 second longer.
- Shadow ProtectorWhen you grant stealth to an ally, they gain 3 seconds of regeneration.
- Hidden ThiefGain stealth for 2 seconds when stealing from an enemy (automatically affected by Meld with Shadows).
- Leeching VenomsSiphon life from your foes when triggering a venom. This can only occur once per strike. Gain 2 stacks of might for 20 seconds when activating a venom.
- Resilience of ShadowsStealth effects that you apply reduce incoming attack damage by 25%.
- Cloaked in ShadowGaining stealth blinds nearby foes for 5 seconds. Release a blinding powder when take falling damage. You take 50% less damage from falling.
- Shadow’s RejuvenationRegenerate health and initiative while in stealth
- Venomous AuraWhen you use a venom skill, you apply the effect to all nearby allies as well. Venom recharges are reduced by 20%.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 11645 (+0)
- Vitality 1000 (+0)
- Armor 2064 (+0)
- Toughness 1000 (+0)
- Attack 3001 (+1020)
- Power 2020 (+1020)
- Critical Hit 45% (+45%)
- Precision 1710 (+710)
Secondary Stats
- Critical Damage 50% (+50%)
- Damage 981 (+0%)
- Defense 1064 (+0)
- Ferocity 756 (+756)
- Movement Speed 25% (+25%)
- Swiftness Duration 30% (+30%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items
Food Nourishment
Utility Nourishment
Armor & Runes
Orrian Reward Helm
- Defense: 97
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Orrian Reward Pauldrons
- Defense: 97
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Orrian Reward Breastplate
- Defense: 338
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Orrian Reward Gauntlets
- Defense: 157
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Orrian Reward legguards
- Defense: 218
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Orrian Reward Greaves
- Defense: 157
Superior Rune of the Pack
- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Armor Stat Totals
- Defense 1064
- Power 175
- Swiftness Duration 30%
- Precision 125
Rune Bonuses
Superior Rune of the Pack- Power: 25
- Swiftness Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 20 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Swiftness Duration; +125 Precision
Accessories & Jewels
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Berserker's Jewel
- Power: 25
- Precision: 15
- Ferocity: 15
Accessory Totals
- Power:605
- Precision:415
- Ferocity:415
Weapon Set Sigils
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Sigil of Superior Accuracy
+7% crit chance.
Sigil of Superior Fire
50% chance to cause flame blast on critical hit causing AoE damage. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5s)
Weapon Set I
Sigil of Superior Accuracy+7% crit chance.
Sigil of Superior Fire50% chance to cause flame blast on critical hit causing AoE damage. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5s)
Berserker's Dagger
- Weapon Strength: 924-981
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Pistol
- Weapon Strength: 876-1029
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
Sigil of Superior Accuracy
+7% crit chance.
Sigil of Superior Fire
50% chance to cause flame blast on critical hit causing AoE damage. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5s)
Weapon Set II
Sigil of Superior Accuracy+7% crit chance.
Sigil of Superior Fire50% chance to cause flame blast on critical hit causing AoE damage. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5s)
Berserker's Harpoon Gun
- Weapon Strength: 905-1000
- Power: 120
- Precision: 85
- Ferocity: 85
- Weapon Strength: -