Elementalist sPvP | Tournament Scepter/Focus | Bunker 20 stack burning trololol
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Table of Contents
Super glass burning machine.
I. Weapons and Skills
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
- 0Fury: 2 s
Weapon and Skill Details
Pop signet of fire + glyph of elemental power and auto attack them to death with 6k burning stack procs.
Focus: because flame wall + Fire shield. But also, you have very little HP in this build, and the defensives/cc in other atunements will save you from cleave.
Scepter: I reccomend taking it if you choose to run rabid amulet (you'll have 10k hp so range will be miportant).
Dagger: You can also run dagger mainhand with cele amulet and persisting flames (fire VII) for double fire fields and really nasty drakes breath. This is a more bursty playstyle, as you'll be forced out of fire more often.
Earth Magic
- Stone FleshGain 150 toughness while attuned to earth.
- Earth’s EmbraceGain armor of earth when struck while below 50% health.
- Serrated StonesBleeds you apply last 20% longer; deal 5% more damage to bleeding foes.
- Elemental ShieldingGrant 3 seconds of protection when applying an aura to yourself or an ally.
- Earthen BlastDamage foes and cripple them for 3s when attuning to earth.
- Strength of StoneGain condition damage based on 10% of your toughness attribute.
- Rock SolidGrant 2 seconds of stability to nearby allies when attuning to earth.
- Geomancer’s TrainingYou recover 33% more quickly from chilled, cripple and immobilize. Earth abilities recharge 33% faster.
- Geomancer’s DefenseYou take 10% less damage from foes within 360 range of you.
- Diamond SkinConditions cannot be applied to you when your health is above the threshold (90%)
- Written in StoneMaintain the passive effects of signets when you activate then. Reduces recharge of signets by 20%.
- Stone HeartYou cannot be critically hit while attuned to earth.
Fire Magic
- Empowering FlameGain 150 power while in fire attunement.
- Burning PrecisionCritical hits have a 33% chance to cause 2 seconds of burning. Burning duration is increased by 20%.
- ConjurerGain fire aura for 5 seconds when an ally picks up a conjured weapon; Conjured weapons have 10 more charges.
- Burning FireUse cleansing fire automatically when you have 3 conditions on you.
- SunspotInflict damage at your location when you attune to fire, and gain 3 seconds of fire aura.
- Pyromancer’s TrainingDeal 10% more damage while attuned to fire. Fire abilities have a 33% reduced recharge.
- One with FireFire auras you apply last 33% longer and grant 2 stacks of might for 10 second when applied.
- Power OverwhelmingGain condition damage based on 10% of your total power attribute.
- Burning RageDeal 10% more damage to burning foes.
- Persisting FlamesExecuting blast finishers on fire fields grant 10 seconds of fury. Fire fields last 2 seconds longer. Create a lava font on your position when you go down.
- Pyromancer’s PuissanceEach skill you use while attuned to fire grant you 15 seconds of might. This effect works in combat only.
- Blinding AshesBlind foes for 4 seconds when you burn them. 8 second internal cooldown.
- Arcane FuryGain fury for 2s when you switch attunements.
- Arcane PrecisionSkills have a chance to apply a condition, based on your current attunement, on critical hits.
- Renewing StaminaGain vigor for 5s when you deliver a critical hit. 5 second internal cooldown.
- Arcane AbatementTake less damage from falling. Create a spell when you take falling damage, based on your attunement.
- Elemental AttunementWhen attuning to an element, you and nearby allies gain a boon.
- Arcane ResurrectionYou have increased 10% revive speed. When you revive an ally, you and the revived ally gain an aura based on your attunement.
- Elemental ContingencyGain a boon when you are struck, based on your current attunement
- Final ShieldingCreate an Arcane Shield for 5s when your health drops below the threshold (25s)
- Elemental EnchantmentBoon duration is increased by 10% and attunements recharge 15% faster.
- Evasive ArcaneCreate an attunement-based spell at end of your dodge. Fire: Flame Burst. Water: Cleansing Wave. Air: Blinding Flash. Earth: Shockwave
- Elemental SurgeBased on your current attunement, arcane skills inflict a condition on foes that they hit. Gain 150 more ferocity for 15 seconds when you use an arcane skill. Arcane abilities recharge 20% faster.
- Bountiful PowerDeal 2% more damage for each boon on you.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 17245 (+5600)
- Vitality 1560 (+560)
- Armor 2480 (+560)
- Toughness 1560 (+560)
- Attack 2657 (+710)
- Power 1710 (+710)
- Critical Hit 39% (+39%)
- Precision 1740 (+740)
Secondary Stats
- Boon Duration 10% (+10%)
- Burning Duration 85% (+85%)
- Chill Duration (self) -33% (+-33%)
- Condition Damage 735 (+735)
- Cripple Duration (self) -33% (+-33%)
- Critical Damage 37% (+37%)
- Damage 947 (+0%)
- Defense 920 (+0)
- Ferocity 560 (+560)
- Healing Power 560 (+560)
- Immobilize Duration (self) -33% (+-33%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels
Armor & Runes
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
PvP Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Rune Stat Totals
- Condition Damage 175
- Burning Duration 45%
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of Balthazar- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:560
- Precision:560
- Toughness:560
- Vitality:560
- Condition Damage:560
- Healing Power:560
- Ferocity:560
Weapon Set Sigils
PvP Scepter
- Weapon Strength: 895-1010
PvP Focus
- Weapon Strength: 832-883