Warrior sPvP | Tournament Axe/Warhorn, Longbow | Team fighter Axe/Bow Roamer,TeamFighter
Table of Contents
Hi!I am Jyobin.I have been playing warrior since the start.So this build uses warrior's high potential damage,condition damage and little bit of support.In 1v1's you should be fine.Just use your condi removal skills carefully.Because there will be lot of condi pressure during combats.If you use your skills carefully you can change the tide of the battle.
I. Weapons and Skills
- Double ChopChop your foe twice.Damage (2x): 480Range: 130
- Triple Chop1½Deliver three final chops to your foe.Damage (3x): 1,158Range: 130
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Weapon and Skill Details
Axe Chops:Use them to harm your opponent and building meter.Offers good damage.
Cyclone Axe:I use them for detecting invisible thiefs and mesmers.
Throw Axe:It can slow down an opponent.You can catch them or flee from them.Use it that way
Charge:It can cure a condition for you and your allies.Great skill.Offers roaming potential.Use it whenever you can.
Call to Arms:It can cure a condition for you and your allies.Great skill.Since it inflicts weakness to your opponents this is a great tool.Use it in team fights.It can win you a 1v1.
Healing Signet:Since its passive effect is your main heal, dont use it if you dont have to.If you think your dead , use it as a last resort.
For Great Justice:It grants fury and might, heals you and your allies.You can spam it for meter build up.
Shake It Off!:Cure heavy condition on allies with this skill.Also breaks stuns.You can escape from mesmer's stun-locks.
Berserker Stance:If you see heavy conditions coming, use it.You can use it for easy meter build-up.If you face dps zerkers,use immediately.It gives you advantage.
Battle Standart:Use it to revive allies.But beware if your downed partner's hp is too low,It wont bring him/her back.It will heal a large portion of their downed hp instead.Most opponents will try to daze or stun while casting this.So I recommend running away from opponents while casting this.You can save souls ^^.
Dual Shot:I use them for building meter long distances or kill very low health opponents.You can track enemies with this skill.
Fan of Fire:Use them whenever you can.Good condi damage.
Arcing Arrow:Use it for free might.It is combo finisher so use it in combo fields.Great damage.
Smoldering Arrow:You can use it to disable important enemy skills.Such as Moa,Pin Down,Necro Signets use it wisely.It can save you.
Pin Down:Great tool at our disposal.With 3 sc immobilize, It gives us time to punish opponents with our axe.I recommend using it while your opponents condi-removal skills are in cooldown.Make sure you do that.Dont waste this great skill.
- Thick SkinGain 120 toughness while you are above 90% health.
- Shield MasterReduces recharge on shield skills by 20%. Blocking an attack grants 1 stack of might for 8 seconds. If you block a missile attack you reflect it instead.
- Dogged MarchChill, cripple and immobilize have their duration reduced by 33% when applied to you. Gain regeneration for 3 seconds whenever one of these conditions is applied to you (10s ICD).
- Cull the WeakDeal 5% more damage to weakened foes. Striking a foe without weakness that is below 25% health inflicts weakness on them for 3 seconds.
- Adrenal HealthHeal every 3 seconds based on your current adrenaline level.
- Defy PainCast Endure Pain if you take damage while below 25% health. This trait benefits from the duration bonus provided by Last Stand
- Armored AttackGain power equal to 10% of your toughness.
- Sundering MaceReduces recharge on mace weapon skills by 20%. Mace skills apply 1 stack of vulnerability for 10 seconds whenever they hit a foe that is dazed, launched, knocked down or stunned.
- Spiked ArmorGain 150 toughness while you have retaliation. Suffering a critical hit grants you retaliation for 5 seconds (15s ICD)
- Last StandGain vigor for 6 seconds whenever you activate a stance. Stance durations last 25% longer. If you are affected by a crowd control skill cast Balanced Stance. 45s internal cooldown.
- Cleansing IreGain 1 adrenaline whenever you are hit. Remove 1 condition per bar of adrenaline spent when activating a burst skill.
- Rousing ResilienceGain 1000 toughness for 8 seconds and heal yourself whenever you break out of a stun.
- Versatile RageGain 5 adrenaline when you swap weapons.
- Crack ShotReduces recharge of rifle and harpoon gun weapon skills by 20%. Rifle and harpoon gun shots pierce.
- Warrior’s SprintMove 25% faster while wielding melee weapons. Using a movement skill removes the immobilize condition.
- Vengeful ReturnThe Vengeance downed skill has a 100% chance to rally you if you kill a foe while it is active. When you rally you regain 25% additional health and 100 endurance.
- Fast HandsReduces recharge of weapon swap by 5 seconds.
- Inspiring Battle StandardBanners apply regeneration for 3 seconds every 3 seconds to allies in their radius while they are active.
- Destruction of the EmpoweredDeal 3% additional damage to foes for each boon they have on them.
- Brawler’s RecoveryRemove 1 condition whenever you swap weapons (combat only).
- Versatile PowerGain 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds whenever you swap weapons (combat only). Burst skill recharge is reduced by 15%.
- Merciless HammerReduces recharge of hammer weapon skills by 20%. Hammer skills deal 20% more damage to stunned, dazed, knocked down, or launched foes.
- Heightened FocusStriking a foe below 50% health grants quickness for 4 seconds (15s ICD).
- Burst MasteryBurst skills deal 7% more damage. Regain 3/7/10 adrenaline when using a burst skill based on the amount of adrenaline spent.
- Determined RevivalGain 400 toughness while reviving an ally.
- Leg SpecialistInflicting cripple on a foe also inflicts immobilize for 1 second (5s ICD)
- Quick BreathingReduces recharge of warhorn skills by 20% and causes warhorn skills to remove 1 condition on affected allies to a boon.
- EmpoweredDeal 1% additional damage for each boon on you.
- Reviver’s MightWhen you successfully revive an ally, nearby allies gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds.
- Shrug it OffCast “Shake it Off!” when you have at least 1 condition on you. This trait benefits from the bonuses provided by Vigorous Shouts.
- Burning ArrowsReduces recharge of longbow skills by 20%. Dual Shot inflicts 2 stacks of burning for 1 second.
- Empower AlliesNearby allies gain 150 power (combat only). Reduced radius of this effect to 300.
- Inspiring PresenceMight you apply grants 10 healing power per stack.
- Powerful SynergyWhenever you activate a leap finisher it activates twice.
- Vigorous ShoutsReduces recharge of shout skills by 20%. Shouts heal allies in their radius and grant you 5 adrenaline.
- Phalanx StrengthWhenever you give yourself might you also apply 1 stack of might for 6 seconds to nearby allies.
Trait Details
Dogged March helps a lot.You can quickly escape from hard situations.Defy Pain can be used to escape from the enemy or finish the combat.Really it depends on the situation.Cleansing ire is a must.Since warrior have near perma swiftness I dont use Warrior's Sprint.Destruction of the Empowered greatly helps fights.If you think there will be crazy condi pressures,you can swap it for Brawler's Recovery.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 24812 (+5600)
- Vitality 1560 (+560)
- Armor 2771 (+560)
- Toughness 1560 (+560)
- Attack 2709 (+735)
- Power 1735 (+735)
- Critical Hit 31% (+31%)
- Precision 1560 (+560)
Secondary Stats
- Condition Damage 560 (+560)
- Critical Damage 37% (+37%)
- Damage 974 (+0%)
- Defense 1211 (+0)
- Ferocity 560 (+560)
- Healing Power 560 (+560)
- Might Duration 45% (+45%)
Fields & Finishers
Stat and Effect Details
1-High bursting damage.
2-Moderate pressuring condition damage.
3-High survival.
4-Great support with shouts and excellent banner.
5-High mobility.
IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels
Armor & Runes
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
Rune Stat Totals
- Power 175
- Might Duration 45%
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of Strength- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- +15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; +5% damage while under the effects of might.
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:560
- Precision:560
- Toughness:560
- Vitality:560
- Condition Damage:560
- Healing Power:560
- Ferocity:560
Weapon Set Sigils
- Weapon Strength: 857-1048
- Weapon Strength: 814-900
Weapon Set I
Sigil of Superior Air50% chance to cause a lightning strike on a critical hit. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 3 seconds)
Sigil of IntelligenceYour next 3 attacks after swapping to this weapon while in combat have a 100% chance to critical.
- Weapon Strength: 920-1080
- Weapon Strength: -
Weapon Set II
Sigil of Superior SmolderingWhen you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
Upgrade Item Details
If you are having problems with condis in team fights, Rune of Strength can be swapped for Rune of Soldier.
V. Basic Gameplay
Start combat with Axe since you will build up adrenaline fairly quickly.Use warhorn skills if necessary.After building up full meter,switch to bow and use your bow burst skill.I recommend save your Pin Down because a lot of people will see it coming.You can fake it though.if you manage to get a Pin Down on enemy , switch to axe quickly.Then strike hard.After your axe burst , your meter should be rising quickly , due to using your shouts .So use it to your advantage.If you see heavy condis coming use Berserker Stance.Time your skills and you should be all right.
Main Skill Rotation
Save "Berserker Stance" for later If you think your opponents is condi-damage dealer here.Watch for dodges for "Pin Down" dont waste this skill...You can fake it like I earlier said.Just cast this and if you see your opponent rolling switch to axe quickly.And burst out.