Mesmer sPvP | Tournament Staff, Scepter/Torch | Bunker The Glamour Girl ( or boy )
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Table of Contents
This build is intended to be a Mesmer version of an Altruistic Healing Guardian.
Attacking and shattering provide heals and stack confusion. Keep those shatters coming and watch your enemy kill himself.
I. Weapons and Skills
Weapon and Skill Details
The glamour utility skills look odd at first. They act as a kind of AOE Berserker stance for you and your teammates. The Sigil is a place holder and will probably be replaced by a stun break.
- Critical InfusionGain vigor for 5s when you critical hit.
- Phantasmal FuryYour phantasms gain 10 seconds of fury every 10 seconds.
- Desperate DecoyCast Decoy when you are struck while below 50% health. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus provided by Master of Manipulation.
- Duelist DisciplinePistol skills recharge 25% of their full recharge when you interrupt a foe. Pistol attacks from you and your illusions have a 33% chance to inflict 1 stacks of bleeding for 5 seconds.
- Sharper ImagesYour illusions inflict 1 stack of bleeding for 5s when they critical hit.
- Blinding DissipationWhenever you use a shatter skill you blind foes around you for 3 seconds.
- Evasive MirrorWhenever you successfully evade an attack, gain a projectile reflecting barrier for 1.5 seconds (1.5s ICD).
- Fencer’s FinesseReduces recharge of sword skills by 20%. Whenever you or an illusion hits with a sword attack you gain a stack of Fencer’s Finesse that gives 15 ferocity for 6 seconds (maximum 10 stacks).
- Confusing CombatantsYou and your illusions inflict 1 stack of confusion for 3 seconds on critical hit (33% chance).
- Harmonious MantrasMantra skills can be activated 3 times before needing to be channeled again. Whenever you use a mantra skill gain a stack of Harmonious Mantras for 10 seconds which increases your damage by 4% per stack (maximum 5 stacks).
- MistrustWhenever you interrupt a foe inflict 2 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds to foes in a radius around your target.
- Deceptive EvasionWhenever you use a dodge roll you create a clone.
- Mender’s PurityWhenever you use a healing skill you cast Power Cleanse. This trait benefits from Harmonious Mantras.
- Medic’s FeedbackRevive allies 10% faster. When you start reviving an ally cast Feedback. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus provided by Temporal Enchanter.
- Restorative MantrasWhen you finish preparing a mantra you heal allies around you.
- Persisting ImagesPhantasms you summon spawn with retaliation for 6 seconds and have 20% more health.
- Inspiring DistortionWhenever you grant distortion to yourself, you also grant it to nearby allies for 1 second (5s ICD)
- Warden’s FeedbackFocus weapon skills reflect projectiles and have their recharge reduced by 20%.
- Restorative IllusionsUsing a shatter skill removes 1 condition from you and heals you based on the number of illusions shattered.
- Protected PhantasmsNewly summoned phantasms gain distortion for 1 second. When you use a shatter skill, all illusions gain protection for 2 seconds.
- Healing PrismEach illusion you control grants you 200 healing power. Whenever you heal yourself, you heal nearby allies by a small amount. 10 second internal cooldown.
- Mental DefenseWhenever you successfully block or evade an attack cast Phantasmal Defender on your attacker. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus provided by Illusionist’s Celerity and Persistence of Memory.
- Illusionary InspirationPhantasms grant 3 seconds regeneration to allies near them every 3 seconds. If you have any boons when you summon a phantasm you cast Signet of Inspiration. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus provided by Blurred Inscriptions.
- Temporal EnchanterGlamour skills last an additional 2 seconds. When you first create any glamour nearby allies within the glamour radius gain 2 seconds of superspeed and 3 seconds of resistance.
- Illusionary RetributionAll shatter skills inflict 1 stack of confusion for 3 seconds when they hit.
- Compounding PowerDeal 3% increased damage and gain 50 condition damage for each illusion you control.
- Persistence of MemoryWhen a phantasm shatters all phantasm skills have their recharge reduced by 2 seconds.
- The PledgeTorch skills remove 1 condition from you when activated. While you are stealthed torch skills recharge 1.5% of their maximum recharge every second.
- Illusionist’s CelerityReduce recharge on illusion-summoning skills by 20%
- Shattered StrengthGain 1 stack of might for 10 seconds per illusion when you use a shatter skill.
- Phantasmal HastePhantasms attack skill recharge is reduced by 20%, causing them to attack more often.
- Maim the DisillusionedShatter skills inflict 1 stack of torment for 6 seconds on foes they hit.
- Master of MisdirectionConfusion you inflict lasts 33% longer. Reduces recharge on shatter skills by 15%.
- IneptitudeInflict 1 stack of confusion for 4 seconds whenever you blind a foe. Whenever you successfully block or evade an attack your attacker is blinded for 3 seconds (10s ICD per foe).
- Master of FragmentationEnhances the effect of shatter skills. Mind Wrack has a 10% increased critical hit chance. Cry of Frustration inflicts cripple for 3 seconds on struck foes. Diversion hits up to 5 targets. Distortion reflects projectiles.
- Malicious SorceryReduces recharge of scepter skills by 20%. Increases attack speed by 15% while wielding a scepter.
Trait Details
This trait set up has two purposes; First to stack confusion with shatter and scepter and second to provide a small but frequent heal to you and your allies.
There's also some support for phantasms. Leaving them up will also give a small heal.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 24922 (+9000)
- Vitality 1900 (+900)
- Armor 1920 (+0)
- Toughness 1000 (+0)
- Attack 3011 (+900)
- Power 1900 (+900)
- Critical Hit 4% (+4%)
- Precision 1000 (+0)
Secondary Stats
- Condition Damage 1375 (+1375)
- Condition Duration 15% (+15%)
- Damage 1111 (+0%)
- Defense 920 (+0)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels
Armor & Runes
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
Rune Stat Totals
- Condition Damage 175
- Condition Duration 15%
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of the Nightmare- Condition Damage: 25
- Condition Duration: 5%
- Condition Damage: 50
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 100
- 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:900
- Vitality:900
- Condition Damage:1200
Weapon Set Sigils
PvP Staff
- Weapon Strength: 985-1111
- Weapon Strength: -