Guardian WvW | Fun Scepter/Torch, Greatsword | Roamer Burn Guardian
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Burn Guardian
I. Weapons and Skills
Grizzlemouth's Wand
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Condition Damage: 125
- Precision: 90
- Toughness: 90
Grizzlemouth's Brazier
- Weapon Strength: 828-972
- Condition Damage: 125
- Precision: 90
- Toughness: 90
Grizzlemouth's Claymore
- Weapon Strength: 1045-1155
- Condition Damage: 251
- Precision: 179
- Toughness: 179
- Weapon Strength: -
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- Zealot's Fire¾Throw your Zealot's Flame at the targeted foe, damaging them but increasing the skill's recharge time by 50%.Damage: 681x3Burning: 3 s (1179)Range: 1,200
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- 0Fury: 4 sRetaliation: 5 s
- Justice is BlindWhen activating Virtue of Justice, nearby foes are blinded
- Inner FireGain fury for 8 seconds when you strike a foe that has 3 or more stacks of burning. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.
- Right-Hand StrengthCritical hit chance with one-handed weapons is increased by 15%. Sword abilities have 20% reduced recharge.
- Healer’s RetributionGain retaliation for 5 seconds when using a heal skill.
- Renewed JusticeVirtue of Justice is renewed when you kill a foe.
- Wrath of JusticeStriking an enemy with justice’s active effect triggers signet of wrath’s active ability.
- Radiant FireGain zealot’s flame when you critically hit an enemy. Burning duration to enemies is increased. Torch abilities recharge 20% faster.
- RetributionGain 10% increased damage while under the effects of retaliation.
- Radiant PowerAttacks against burning foes have a 10% increased chance to critically hit.
- Amplified WrathBurning damage is increased by 15%. Blocking an attack burns the attacker for 2 seconds. This effect has a 1 second internal cooldown.
- Perfect InscriptionsGain light aura for 3 seconds when activating a signet. Signets recharge 20% faster and have 20% increased passive effects.
- Radiant RetaliationRetaliation damage scales from condition damage instead of power.
- Inspired VirtueVirtues apply the following boons to allies when activated: Justice: 3 stacks of might for 5 seconds. Resolve: 5 seconds of regeneration. Courage: 5 seconds of protection.
- Unscathed ContenderDeal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis.
- Retaliatory SubconsciousGain 3 seconds of retaliation and 4 seconds of aegis when stunned, dazed, knocked back, pulled, knocked down, sunk, floated, launched, taunted or inflicted with fear.
- Master of ConsecrationsConsecrations last 20% longer and have 20% reduced recharge.
- Virtue of RetributionGain retaliation for 3 seconds when you activate a virtue. Retaliation you applies lasts 25% longer.
- Supreme JusticeVirtue of Justice causes burning with 3 strikes instead of 5. When activating virtue of justice, burning duration is increased by 1 second.
- Absolute ResolutionActivating virtue of resolve removes 3 conditions from nearby allies. Virtue of Resolve’s passive effect is stronger.
- Glacial HeartCritical hits with hammer chill enemies for 3 seconds. Hammer abilities have 20% reduced recharge.
- Power of the VirtuousDeal 1% extra damage for each boon you have. Virtues recharge 15% faster.
- Permeating WrathVirtue of Justice’s passive effect no longer only burns your target, but also burns the area around your target each time it activates.
- Battle PresenceNearby allies gain virtue of resolve’s passive effect.
- Indomitable CourageActivating virtue of courage breaks stun and grants 3 stacks of stability for 4 seconds to affected allies. Virtue of courage’s passive effect triggers every 30 seconds, down from 40.
- Valorous DefenseGain aegis for 5 seconds when you are struck while below 50% health.
- Strength of the FallenLose 1 condition every 10 seconds. Health degenerates 33% more slowly while downed.
- Smiter’s BoonSmite conditions when you use a healing ability.
- Focus MasteryGain 4 seconds of protection when using a focus ability. Focus abilities have a 20% reduced recharge.
- Courageous ReturnVirtue of courage is fully recharged when you revive an ally or when you rally. This effect has a 30 second internal cooldown.
- Stalwart DefenderGain 180 additional toughness while wielding a shield. Shield abilities have 20% reduced recharge.
- Strength in NumbersNearby allies gain up to 150 bonus toughness, based on your effective level. 600 radius.
- Communal DefensesGrant 5 seconds of aegis to allies when you block an attack.
- Might of the ProtectorGain 2 stacks of might for 15 seconds when you block an attack. This ability has a 1 second internal cooldown.
- Altruistic HealingApplying a boon to allies also heals you.
- Monk’s FocusUsing a meditation skill heals you and grants 4 seconds of fury to allies in a radius. Meditation skills have 20% reduced recharge.
- Retributive ArmorGain up to 250 bonus toughness (based on effective level) when blocking an attack. Gain ferocity based on 13% of your current toughness.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 18435 (+6790)
- Vitality 1679 (+679)
- Armor 3410 (+1139)
- Toughness 2139 (+1139)
- Attack 2044 (+28)
- Power 1028 (+28)
- Critical Hit 18% (+18%)
- Precision 1298 (+298)
Secondary Stats
- Burning Duration 85% (+85%)
- Condition Damage 1811 (+1811)
- Condition Duration 40% (+40%)
- Critical Damage 1% (+1%)
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords -13% (+-13%)
- Damage 1016 (+0%)
- Defense 1271 (+0)
- Experience from Kills 20% (+20%)
- Ferocity 28 (+28)
- Healing Power 28 (+28)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items
Food Nourishment
Rare Veggie Pizza
Duration: 30min
Condition Duration: 40%
Condition Damage: 70
Experience from Kills: 10%
Condition Duration: 40%
Condition Damage: 70
Experience from Kills: 10%
- (30min)
- Condition Duration: 40%
- Condition Damage: 70
- Experience from Kills: 10%
Utility Nourishment
Master Tuning Crystal
Duration: 30min
Gain Condition damage equal to 6% of your toughness
Gain Condition damage equal to 4% of your vitality
Experience from Kills: 10%
Gain Condition damage equal to 6% of your toughness
Gain Condition damage equal to 4% of your vitality
Experience from Kills: 10%
- (30min)
- Gain Condition damage equal to 6% of your toughness
- Gain Condition damage equal to 4% of your vitality
- Experience from Kills: 10%
Armor & Runes
Morbach's Visor
- Defense: 127
- Condition Damage: 63
- Toughness: 45
- Vitality: 45
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Morbach's Pauldrons
- Defense: 127
- Condition Damage: 47
- Toughness: 34
- Vitality: 34
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Morbach's Breastplate
- Defense: 381
- Condition Damage: 141
- Toughness: 101
- Vitality: 101
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Morbach's Warfists
- Defense: 191
- Condition Damage: 47
- Toughness: 34
- Vitality: 34
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Morbach's Tassets
- Defense: 254
- Condition Damage: 94
- Toughness: 67
- Vitality: 67
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Morbach's Greaves
- Defense: 191
- Condition Damage: 47
- Toughness: 34
- Vitality: 34
Superior Rune of Balthazar
- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Armor Stat Totals
- Defense 1271
- Condition Damage 614
- Burning Duration 45%
- Toughness 345
- Vitality 315
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords -6%
Rune Bonuses
Superior Rune of Balthazar- Condition Damage: 25
- Burning Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Burning Duration; when you’re struck below 20% health, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Burning Duration; when you use a heal skill, nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Accessories & Jewels
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Resilient WvW InfusionDefensive Infusion
- Toughness: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Accessory Totals
- Precision:118
- Toughness:464
- Vitality:364
- Condition Damage:672
- Power:28
- Healing Power:28
- Ferocity:28
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords:-5%
Weapon Set Sigils
Grizzlemouth's Wand
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Condition Damage: 125
- Precision: 90
- Toughness: 90
Grizzlemouth's Brazier
- Weapon Strength: 828-972
- Condition Damage: 125
- Precision: 90
- Toughness: 90
Superior Sigil of Torment
50% chance on critical hit: Apply AoE torment (5 seconds, 180 radius). (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Sigil of Superior Smoldering
When you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Weapon Set I
Superior Sigil of Torment50% chance on critical hit: Apply AoE torment (5 seconds, 180 radius). (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Sigil of Superior SmolderingWhen you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
Grizzlemouth's Claymore
- Weapon Strength: 1045-1155
- Condition Damage: 251
- Precision: 179
- Toughness: 179
- Weapon Strength: -
Sigil of Minor Corruption
You gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Sigil of Superior Smoldering
When you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
Weapon Set II
Sigil of Minor CorruptionYou gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)
Mathilde's Impaler
- Weapon Strength: 950-1050
- Condition Damage: 125
- Toughness: 90
- Vitality: 90
- Weapon Strength: -
Sigil of Minor Corruption
You gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Malign WvW InfusionOffensive Infusion
- Condition Damage: 5
- DMG Taken from Guards and Lords: -1%
Sigil of Superior Smoldering
When you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
Water Weapon I
Sigil of Minor CorruptionYou gain +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down)
Water Weapon II
Sigil of Superior SmolderingWhen you apply burning it lasts 20% longer.
I've tried the Sigil of Torment with my build and found it really lackluster, since you'll get two stacks of it for a second MAX. You'd be better off with any number of sigils.
Sigil of Torment just gives another condition to put on someone. A lot of condition clears only remove one condition, it is nice to take my chances and stack more conditions like torment to be cleared before my burn if possible.
and to quote since you seem to had trouble finding it before, "Condition duration cannot be increased beyond 100%." Third sentence from the end of the main paragraph.
Good luck.