Engineer sPvP | Tournament Rifle | Team fighter quad kit cele
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Table of Contents
post patch cele rifle
I. Weapons and Skills
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- Cleansing Burst15Overcharge your healing turret, supplying a burst of healing that cures 2 conditions.Healing: 2,520Regeneration: 5 sCombo Field: WaterRadius: 480
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
- 0Vigor: 2 sSwiftness: 20 s
Weapon and Skill Details
standard cele rifle with quad kits
- Evasive Powder KegCreate a bomb when you dodge.
- GrenadierIncreases your throw velocity of grenades by 100%. Increases the blast radius of grenades by 60.
- Explosive DescentYou take 50% decreased damage from falling. When you take fall damage release a barrage of grenades.
- Glass CannonDeal 5% increased damage while above 90% health
- Steel-Packed PowderYour explosions cause 5s of vulnerability.
- Aim-assisted RocketYou have a 33% chance when striking a foe to target them for a seeker rocket. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
- Shaped ChargeYou deal 5% increased damage to foes affected by vulnerability.
- Short FuseYour bombs explode faster and bomb skills recharge 20% faster.
- Explosive PowderExplosions deal 10% more damage. Your turrets explode, dealing damage and knocking back nearby foes when destroyed.
- Siege RoundsOrbital Strike comes down an additional time one second after the first strike. Mortar Kit ability effects last 40% longer.
- ShrapnelYour explosions have a 15% chance to cause 12s of bleeding and 2s of cripple.
- Hidden FlaskDrink an elixir B when struck while below 75% health.
- Protection InjectionGain 3s of protection when you are disabled. This trait has a 5 second internal cooldown.
- Health InsuranceWhile using Med Kit your outgoing healing to others is increased by 15%.
- TransmuteIncoming conditions have a 100% chance of being converted into a boon. This trait has a 15 second internal cooldown.
- Inversion EnzymeElixir Gun abilities which remove conditions now convert them into boons instead.
- Self-regulating DefensesWhen struck below 25% health you consume an Elixir S.
- Backpack RegeneratorWhile using a kit you passively recover health.
- Alchemical TincturesElixirs remove a condition from affected allies. Boons you apply last 20% longer.
- HGHElixirs grant 2 stacks of might for 20s, have 20% reduced recharge, and have 20% increased duration.
- Stimulant SupplierDrop a stim pack when you use a heal skill. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
- Iron BloodedIncoming damage is reduced by 2% for every boon on you.
- Optimized ActivationUsing a toolbelt skill grants 2s of vigor.
- Static DischargeDischarge a bolt of lightning when you activate a toolbelt skill.
- Reactive LensesWhen blinded or disabled you activate utility goggles.
- Power WrenchTool kit skills recharge 20% faster and deal 10% more damage. Turret repairing abilities are 100% more effective.
- Mechanized DeploymentYour toolbelt skills recharge 15% faster.
- Steamlined KitsEquipping a kit creates and attack or spell and grants you 20s of swiftness. This trait has a 20 second internal cooldown.
- Lock OnStriking a foe in stealth analyzes them, revealing them and inflicting them with 10 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds. This trait has a 20 second internal cooldown.
- Takedown RoundStriking a foe above 50% health places a delayed explosive at their location. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
- Excessive EnergyDeal 10% more damage while your endurance is above 90%.
- Kinetic ChargeAfter evading a strike the next toolbelt skill you use is recharged instantly. This trait has a 20 second internal cooldown.
- Adrenal ImplantEndurance regeneration is increased by 50%.
- GadgeteerGain static charges when struck. At 5 charge levels your next gadget skill use is overcharged and recharges 50% faster.
Trait Details
-siege rounds can be changed for shrapnel.
-backpack regenerator can be changed for inversion enzyme.
-HgH stacks might with skills 4 and 5 from elixir gun so 18+ stacks of might can be achieved throughout the fight
-EG 5, healing turret, mortar kit light field plus AA can clear conditions
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 21522 (+5600)
- Vitality 1560 (+560)
- Armor 2624 (+560)
- Toughness 1560 (+560)
- Attack 2940 (+735)
- Power 1735 (+735)
- Critical Hit 31% (+31%)
- Precision 1560 (+560)
Secondary Stats
- Boon Duration 20% (+20%)
- Condition Damage 560 (+560)
- Condition Duration (self) -20% (+-20%)
- Critical Damage 37% (+37%)
- Damage 1205 (+0%)
- Defense 1064 (+0)
- Endurance Regeneration 50% (+50%)
- Ferocity 560 (+560)
- Healing Power 560 (+560)
- Might Duration 30% (+30%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels
Armor & Runes
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
Rune Stat Totals
- Power 175
- Might Duration 30%
- Condition Duration (self) -20%
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:560
- Precision:560
- Toughness:560
- Vitality:560
- Condition Damage:560
- Healing Power:560
- Ferocity:560
Weapon Set Sigils
PvP Rifle
- Weapon Strength: 986-1205
- Weapon Strength: -