Guardian WvW | Small Group Greatsword, Scepter/Focus | Roamer New Meditation Roamer
Table of Contents
New roaming meditation guardian.
Provides very high burst dps.
Strong in duel, small fights.
Fast at soloing camps.
I. Weapons and Skills
- Vengeful Strike½Strike your foe again.Damage: 296Range: 130
- Wrathful Strike½Attack with a final, powerful strike that applies might for each foe you strike.Damage: 443Might: 5 sRange: 130
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- Pull¾Pull your foes to you.Leash Range: 600Range: 900
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
- 0Fury: 4 sVulnerability: 3 sBurning: 1 s
Weapon and Skill Details
Greatsword - burst.
Scepter - range pressure, kite , chase.
Focus for blocks, can be swapped by Torch.
Torch have more dps potential than Focus, I'll test more to decide if I'm going to switch.
- Zealot’s SpeedCreate a symbol of wrath when you are struck while below the health threshold.
- Wrathful SpiritAegis grants 3 seconds of retaliation when it ends.
- Fiery WrathDamage against burning foes is increased by 7%.
- Zealous ScepterWhile wielding a scepter, gain 10 seconds of might when your justice passive effect triggers.
- Symbolic ExposureSymbols apply 3 seconds vulnerability to foes on each hit.
- Binding JeopardyImmobilizing or blinding a foe also applies 3 seconds of vulnerability to them.
- Zealous BladeGreatsword attacks deal 5% increased damage and heal the guardian. Greatsword skills have a 20% reduced recharge.
- Kindled ZealGain condition damage based on 10% your power attribute.
- Symbolic PowerSymbols have 10% increased damage and have a 33% chance to burn enemies for 1 second.
- Expeditious SpiritSpirit weapons burn foes for 3 seconds when they hit with an attack. Spirit weapon summon and command skills have a 20% reduced recharge.
- Shattered AegisWhen aegis you applied blocks an attack, it damages nearby foes.
- Symbolic AvengerYou deal more damage to enemies standing in your symbols.
- Justice is BlindWhen activating Virtue of Justice, nearby foes are blinded
- Inner FireGain fury for 8 seconds when you strike a foe that has 3 or more stacks of burning. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.
- Right-Hand StrengthCritical hit chance with one-handed weapons is increased by 15%. Sword abilities have 20% reduced recharge.
- Healer’s RetributionGain retaliation for 5 seconds when using a heal skill.
- Renewed JusticeVirtue of Justice is renewed when you kill a foe.
- Wrath of JusticeStriking an enemy with justice’s active effect triggers signet of wrath’s active ability.
- Radiant FireGain zealot’s flame when you critically hit an enemy. Burning duration to enemies is increased. Torch abilities recharge 20% faster.
- RetributionGain 10% increased damage while under the effects of retaliation.
- Radiant PowerAttacks against burning foes have a 10% increased chance to critically hit.
- Amplified WrathBurning damage is increased by 15%. Blocking an attack burns the attacker for 2 seconds. This effect has a 1 second internal cooldown.
- Perfect InscriptionsGain light aura for 3 seconds when activating a signet. Signets recharge 20% faster and have 20% increased passive effects.
- Radiant RetaliationRetaliation damage scales from condition damage instead of power.
- Valorous DefenseGain aegis for 5 seconds when you are struck while below 50% health.
- Strength of the FallenLose 1 condition every 10 seconds. Health degenerates 33% more slowly while downed.
- Smiter’s BoonSmite conditions when you use a healing ability.
- Focus MasteryGain 4 seconds of protection when using a focus ability. Focus abilities have a 20% reduced recharge.
- Courageous ReturnVirtue of courage is fully recharged when you revive an ally or when you rally. This effect has a 30 second internal cooldown.
- Stalwart DefenderGain 180 additional toughness while wielding a shield. Shield abilities have 20% reduced recharge.
- Strength in NumbersNearby allies gain up to 150 bonus toughness, based on your effective level. 600 radius.
- Communal DefensesGrant 5 seconds of aegis to allies when you block an attack.
- Might of the ProtectorGain 2 stacks of might for 15 seconds when you block an attack. This ability has a 1 second internal cooldown.
- Altruistic HealingApplying a boon to allies also heals you.
- Monk’s FocusUsing a meditation skill heals you and grants 4 seconds of fury to allies in a radius. Meditation skills have 20% reduced recharge.
- Retributive ArmorGain up to 250 bonus toughness (based on effective level) when blocking an attack. Gain ferocity based on 13% of your current toughness.
Trait Details
Zeal - I choose Kindled Zeal to make burning hurt even with power build. I think its better than Zealous Blade.
Radiance - Inner Fire is what i prefer, Radiant fire and Amplified Wrath for more burning damage, works well with Kindled Zeal.
Valor - Smiter's boon makes your Shelter basically another meditation.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 12005 (+360)
- Vitality 1036 (+36)
- Armor 2605 (+334)
- Toughness 1334 (+334)
- Attack 3499 (+1344)
- Power 2344 (+1344)
- Critical Hit 55% (+55%)
- Precision 2068 (+1068)
Secondary Stats
- Boon Duration 15% (+15%)
- Burning Duration 20% (+20%)
- Condition Damage 270 (+270)
- Condition Duration 10% (+10%)
- Critical Damage 56% (+56%)
- Damage 1155 (+0%)
- Defense 1271 (+0)
- Ferocity 848 (+848)
- Healing Power 36 (+36)
- Movement Speed 25% (+25%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items
Food Nourishment
Utility Nourishment
Armor & Runes
- Defense: 127
- Power: 63
- Precision: 45
- Ferocity: 45
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
- Defense: 127
- Power: 47
- Precision: 34
- Ferocity: 34
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
- Defense: 381
- Power: 141
- Precision: 101
- Ferocity: 101
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
- Defense: 191
- Power: 47
- Precision: 34
- Ferocity: 34
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
- Defense: 254
- Power: 94
- Precision: 67
- Ferocity: 67
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
- Defense: 191
- Power: 47
- Precision: 34
- Ferocity: 34
- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
Armor Stat Totals
- Defense 1271
- Power 473
- Precision 351
- Toughness 36
- Vitality 36
- Condition Damage 36
- Healing Power 36
- Ferocity 351
- Boon Duration 15%
- Condition Duration 10%
- Movement Speed 25%
Rune Bonuses
Superior Rune of the Traveler- +8 to All Stats
- Boon Duration: 5%
- +12 to All Stats
- +10% Boon Duration; +10% Condition Duration
- +16 to All Stats
- Movement Speed: 25%
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:620
- Precision:538
- Ferocity:318
- Toughness:148
Weapon Set Sigils
- Weapon Strength: 1045-1155
- Power: 251
- Precision: 179
- Ferocity: 179
- Weapon Strength: -
Weapon Set I
Sigil of Superior Air50% chance to cause a lightning strike on a critical hit. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 3 seconds)
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Power: 125
- Precision: 90
- Ferocity: 90
- Weapon Strength: 873-927
- Power: 125
- Precision: 90
- Ferocity: 90
Weapon Set II
Sigil of Superior DoomYou deal poison on your next attack for 8 seconds after you swap to this weapon while in combat.
Upgrade Item Details
2nd sigil for GS is Major Sigil of Air.
Note: All tier of Air Sigil has the same damage and they dont share cooldown means you can run both of different tier and proc both, Superior Sigil of Air is bugged that it has a 5 sec cd instead of 3. which makes it the same as Major Sigil of Air.
For Focus use Sigil of Incapacitation(cripple on crit), its very useful for chasing and kiting.
You can swap armor or trinket for more defensive stats if ur not yet confortable vice versa.
V. Basic Gameplay
Well timed burst is they key.
All meditation can be used offensive or defensively so make sure to use it wisely.
Main Skill Rotation
Main rotation for soloing camps. use f1 whenever its up.
Quick burst
Use this when they have low hp and you know they've run out of dodges OR a surprise attack.
Engage combo
best use for engaging, can be missed when they dodged the cc, try to time it wisely, if u land this combo they'll probably heal so make sure to apply the poison from Sigil of Doom(scepter) to reduce the heal.
All-in combo
Kinda the same for solo camp combo but you need timin. Try to kite with scepter and when they've used their dodges or you saw an opportunity, try to land the immob, if u land it do the fast Whirl combo then land a binding blade, use leap of faith to gap close as they will try to run back, if they're trying to heal, use pull to interrupt the heal and finish them with some auto.