Ranger sPvP | Tournament Axe/Dagger, Sword/Torch | Backpoint defender Bleeding Heart Condi Build

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This build is meant to hold close point against any and all assaults. In fights you can't win, you stall till a teammate comes, in fights you can win, you should bloody flipping win them!

I. Weapons and Skills

PvP Axe
  • Weapon Strength: 857-1048
PvP Dagger
  • Weapon Strength: 924-981
PvP Sword
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
PvP Torch
  • Weapon Strength: 789-926
  • Weapon Strength: -
  • Weapon Strength: -
  • Fire Breath24
    Pet skills. Breathe a cone of fire that burns foes.
    Damage (5x): 305Burning: 5 s (1640 damage)Range: 250
  • Bite¼
    Bite a foe with your jaws.
    Damage: 122Range: 130
  • Chomp½ 20
    Bite a foe and gain health.
    Damage: 240Range: 130
  • Tail Swipe ½ 30
    Attack all surrounding foes with a tail swipe.
    Damage: 647Combo Finisher: BlastRange: 225
  • Ricochet¼
    Bounce your axe between multiple foes.
    Damage: 168Maximum targets: 3Combo Finisher: Projectile (20% chance)Range: 900
    • 0
    • 0
  • Splitblade¾ 6
    Throw a spread pattern of five whirling axes that bleeds foes.
    Damage (5x): 170x5Bleeding: 6 s (1275 damage)Combo Finisher: Projectile (20% chance)Range: 900
    • 0
    • 0
  • Winter's Bite½ 10
    Throw an axe to chill your foe. Your pet's next attack inflicts weakness.
    Damage: 168Chilled: 3 sRange: 900
    • 0
    • 0
  • Stalker's Strike½ 8
    Stab and poison your foe while evading attacks.
    Damage: 67x3Poison: 8 s (840 damage)Range: 250
    • 0
    • 0
  • Crippling Talon½ 12
    Throw a dagger to bleed and cripple your foe.
    Damage: 252Crippled: 6 sx3Bleeding: 8 s (1020 damage)Combo Finisher: ProjectileRange: 1,200
    • 0
    • 0
  • Healing Spring ½ 24
    Trap. Create a healing spring that heals you, your pet, and your allies. It also cures conditions on allies.
    Healing: 4,920x6Regeneration: 3 s (2340 health)Radius: 240Duration: 15Combo Field: Water
    • 0
  • Spike Trap ½ 20
    Trap. Set a trap that bleeds and cripples foes.
    x6Bleeding: 6.5 sDamage: 49Crippled: 2.66 sKnockdown: On initial trap triggerDamage radius: 240Trap radius: 240
    • 0
  • Signet of Stone80
    Signet Passive: Improves toughness for you and your pet.
    Signet Active: Your pet takes no damage from attacks.
    Duration: 6
    • 0
  • Lightning Reflexes40
    Survival. Evade back with a crack of lightning, dealing damage and gaining vigor.
    Vigor: 10 sDamage: 244Breaks stun
    • 0
  • Entangle ¾ 60
    Survival. Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.
    Duration: 20Damage: 49Bleeding: 8 s (6800 damage)Immobilized: 1 sRange: 600
    • 0

Weapon and Skill Details

This build is all about conditions and evasion so having the Dagger, Sword, Axe and Torch, allow you to fill those two roles perfectly.


Healing Spring can be used at any time but the trap itself only gives regeneration and cleanses conditions when you lose health. It also doesn't heal your pet which is unfortunate but its usefulness cannot be denied. In providing you with near infinite regeneration to cleansing conditions off of you and your allies, Healing Spring is one of the best team utilities the Ranger has. Drop this on a downed body so that it cleanses whatever conditions are being put on you and your teammate and you should have a successful rez.... "should".


SPIKE TRAP has been revised and is now amazing. It has really good crowd control, able to knock targets that step into it down for 1s and applies 6 stacks of bleed and cripple to the target. The cooldown is long which is why Trapper's expertise is needed. The trap is too useful to have on cooldown for longer than 36s.


SIGNET OF STONE allows you to defend against burst directly. As burst damage is one of the main features of this meta, it's always best to have either this skill or "Protect me". Protect Me has a lower cooldown but forces your pet not to attack during it's duration which you may not want so Signet of Stone may be the better choice.


Lightning Reflexes has the benefit of being an evade and giving vigor. It has a 40s cooldown compared to Signet of Renewal but Signet of Renewal allows you to remove 1 condition from yourself every 10s and transfers all the conditions on all nearby allies to your pet. Signet of Renewal is a great group support utility skill that can save your teammate from the brink of death if used at the right time.


Entangle is great for setting up your team's damage as well as your own. Spirit of Nature on the other hand is great for group support, self-sustain and group rezzing but it dies really fast and in a competitive match, people will know to focus it down. You attempt using it though, it works if you can cast it without everyone noticing.
Strength of the Pack is a very selfish utility and is only a good counter for Rampage and Mesmer stun spam.
I use Entangle mainly because I can use it well but Spirit of Nature definitely has it's merits if you get smart about how you use it.



  • Tail Wind
    Gain 9s of swiftness by switching your weapons in combat. This trait has a 9 second internal cooldown.
    • Sharpened Edges
      You and your pet have a 66% chance to cause 3s of bleeding when you critically strike.
    • Primal Reflexes
      When you successfully evade an attack gain 5s of Vigor. This trait has a 8 second internal cooldown.
    • Trapper’s Expertise
      Boons and conditions caused by your traps last 60% longer. Your traps recharge 20% faster and your offensive traps cause 2s of cripple.
  • Furious Grip
    Gain 5s of fury by switching your weapons in combat. This trait has a 9 second internal cooldown.
    • Spotter
      Nearby allies gain up to 150 precision.
    • Strider’s Defense
      Your melee attacks have a 25% chance to destroy projectiles. Your sword skills recharge 20% faster.
    • Hidden Barbs
      Bleeding you cause deals 33% more damage.
  • Hunter’s Tactics
    Increase your chance to critically strike by 10% when attacking from behind or the side.
    • Quick Draw
      Combat only. Upon swapping weapons, your next ranger weapon skill used has 66% reduced recharge. This trait has a 9 second internal cooldown.
    • Light on your Feet
      After dodging your damage and condition duration is increased by 5% for the next 4 seconds. Short bow skills recharge 20% faster and pierce.
    • Most Dangerous Game
      While your health is below 50% you gain 5 stacks of might for 3 seconds every second.

Wilderness Survival

  • Natural Vigor
    Increases your endurance regeneration by 20%.
    • Soften the Fall
      You take 50% less damage from falling. When you take falling damage create muddy ground.
    • Oakheart Salve
      Gain 5s of regeneration when you suffer from bleeding, poison or burning. While under the effects of regeneration you take 5% less damage. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
    • Expertise Training
      Your pet gains up to 300 condition damage, based on level and their conditions last 20% longer.
  • Companion’s Defense
    Combat Only. You and your pet gain 2s of protection when you dodge roll.
    • Ambidexterity
      Gain up to 150 condition damage when wielding a torch or dagger. Your torch and dagger skills recharge 20% faster.
    • Refined Toxins
      While you are above 90% health your strikes inflict 6s of poison. While your pet’s health is above 90% its strikes inflict 6s of poison. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
    • Shared Anguish
      Incoming disables (Stun, Taunt, Daze, Knockdown, Knockback, Pull, Sink, Float, Fear or Launch) are transferred to your pet. This trait has a 60 second internal cooldown.
  • Bark Skin
    You take 33% less damage and your pet takes 50% less damage while your health is above 90%.
    • Empathic Bond
      Pets take 3 conditions from you every 10 seconds.
    • Wilderness Knowledge
      Survival skills have 20% reduced recharge, grant 6s of fury and remove 2 conditions.
    • Poison Master
      When you swap pets your pet’s next attack will inflict 2 stacks of poison for 8 seconds. Your poison damage is increased by 25%.


  • Pack Alpha
    Your pet gains up to 150 power, precision, toughness and vitality and their skills recharge 20% faster.
    • Go For The Eyes
      Your pet gains up to 300 toughness. Your pet’s command [[f2]] ability causes 5s of blindness to foes around it.
    • Companion’s Might
      Your critical hits grant 5s of might to your pet. Critical strikes from your pet’s basic attack cause 6s of bleeding.
    • Resounding Timbre
      Your shouts apply 10s of Regeneration and 10s of Swiftness to nearby allies. You shouts recharge 20% faster.
  • Loud Whistle
    While your health is above 90% your pet deals 10% more damage. Your pet swap recharges 20% faster.
    • Wilting Strike
      Your pet inflicts 4s weakness when you activate its command [[f2]] ability.
    • Two-Handed Training
      Greatsword and spear damage is increased by 5% and those skills recharge 20% faster. Greatsword and spear hits have a 50% chance to gain 3s of fury. This trait has a 10 second internal cooldown.
    • Natural Regeneration
      Your pet gains natural health recovery and their healing power is increased by up to 450.
  • Pet’s Prowess
    Your pets move 30 faster and gain up to 300 ferocity.
    • Beastly Warden
      Your pet’s command [f2] ability causes 2s of taunt to foes around it. This trait has a 15 second internal cooldown.
    • Zephyr’s Speed
      Combat Only. When you swap pets you and your pet gain 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds and 3 seconds of quickness. 15-second internal cooldown.
    • Honed Axes
      Gain up to 150 ferocity while wielding an axe in your main hand. Winter’s Bite is now inflicts its effects in an area at your target’s location.

Trait Details

Trapper's Expertise: We're using 2 important traps in this build so this is a great choice.


Hidden Barbs: You're going to be doing a bunch of bleeds to your target so this is the most useful trait in this tier


Quick Draw: Great for evade after evade or condi burst after condi burst. It only affects Weapon skills which sucks but considering how much you can do with it, I think it's perfect for this build.


Light On Your Feet:
Light on your feet gives you 10% more damage and condition duration. This is also functional in this build because it only activates if you dodge and you'll be doing a lot of dodging. And if you're in WvW, Shortbow would be good with this build because then you can operate from range.


Most Dangerous Game:
Whilst this trait is great in a might stacking build, it doesn't do much for you in this build. 8 Stacks of might for ever, as long as you're below 50% health? That's really hard to do when you're so survivable, hehehe.


Oakheart Salve: Allows you to gain 5% damage reduction when you have regeneration and you'll pretty much have infinite regen with Healing Spring.


Expertise Training: I've also used expertise training to try and improve the amount of burning damage my pet would do in his burst. Unfortunately pet condition damage is bugged right now and they don't have any condi damage so Oakheart Salve is better.


Ambidexterity: Increases condition damage and reduces the cooldown of some of your most valuable and most damaging skills. So it is quite useful BUT....


.....Refined Toxins is also good for opening condi burst. Of course its not good for sustained fights because it's really hard to stay above 90% health.


Shared Anguish could also be used but if I get stunned and I want my pet to attack at that moment, he'd get interrupted which, I don't think is good for setting up damage but you might have a different opinion on this trait so take it if you like.


Empathic Bond: This is not just good against condition classes but classes that love to spam blinds alongside their burst damage.
Poison Master: Is great for putting high damage on your target. It's used in the high damage version of this spec. To see the high damage version click here;


ADEPT: Go for the Eyes is really the only trait that really works in this spec because you won't be criting a lot and whilst your pets can, you may want something that works 100% of the time rather than 50% of the time.


Natural Regeration can be useful for keeping your pet alive just a little longer against conditions but Wilting strike enables you to deal with burst classes really well which is why I take it.


Beastly Warden: What can I say?.... This thing is just beastly! It's extra Crowd control and enables you to land your pets F2 skills, especially the Salamander's Fire breath.


You can replace Wilderness Survival with Marksmanship taking 3,3,1 (allowing you to maximize interrupts by allowing your pets to do 50% more damage) or 3,1,1 (allowing you to decrease the cooldowns of your signets and gaining might from them when you use them).
You can also replace Wilderness Survival for Nature Magic taking 3,1,2 (for more some cleansing, mitigation and group support) or 3,1,3 (for group support) and 3,2,3 (for group support). PLEASE NOTE: If you don't take Empathic Bond in Wilderness Survival, you should make sure to take Signet of Renewal instead of Lightning Reflexes to compensate.

III. Stat Specifics & Effects

Primary Stats

  • Health 15922 (+0)
  • Vitality 1000 (+0)
  • Armor 3444 (+1380)
  • Toughness 2380 (+1380)
  • Attack 2015 (+0)
  • Power 1000 (+0)
  • Critical Hit 4% (+4%)
  • Precision 1000 (+0)

Secondary Stats

  • Condition Damage 1225 (+1225)
  • Condition Duration 15% (+15%)
  • Damage 1015 (+0%)
  • Defense 1064 (+0)
  • Endurance Regeneration 20% (+20%)
  • Healing Power 900 (+900)


  • Aegis
    Block the next attack.
  • Distortion
    Allows mesmers to evade attacks for some time.
  • Frenzy
    Increases damage taken by 25%. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Frosty Armor
    Chills foes that hit you.
  • Fury
    20% critical chance increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Haste
    Regenerate endurance at 50% effectiveness when under the effects of this skill. It's typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Invulnerability
    Prevents the target from taking damage or receiving conditions. It is also placed on rallied players for one second.
  • Might
    X damage per attack increase. Stacks intensity.
  • Protection
    33% damage reduction. Stacks in duration.
  • Quickening Zephyr
    Prevents healing. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Quickness
    Makes all skills and actions 50% faster.
  • Regeneration
    Regenerates X health per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Rejuvenation
    Regenerates health. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession through the Virtue of Resolve.
  • Resistance
    Resistance temporarily negates the affected target of all effects caused by conditions.
  • Retaliation
    Does X damage to an opponent each time they hit you. Stacks in duration.
  • Smiting
    Causes every fifth attack to apply burning. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession.
  • Stability
    Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, or feared.
  • Stealth
    Allows the user to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being spotted by enemy NPCs.
  • Swiftness
    33% movement speed increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Vigor
    Faster endurance regeneration. Stacks in duration.


  • Agony
    Agony is an effect unique to Fractals of the Mists that removes a percentage of the player's health every second and reduces received healing by ~50%.
  • Bleeding
    Bleeding is a stackable condition that deals damage over time.
  • Blind
    Causes the target's next hit to miss instead.
  • Burning
    Inflicts X damage per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Chilled
    Reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 66%. Stacks in duration.
  • Confusion
    Inflicts X damage each time a foe uses skill. Stacks in intensity.
  • Crippled
    Crippled is a condition which decreases movement speed by 50%. Stacks in duration.
  • Fear
    Causes the target to run directly away from the caster.
  • Immobilized
    Immobilized is a condition which prevents movement and dodging. Victims also can't turn. Stacks in duration.
  • Poison
    Inflicts X damage per second. Reduces outgoing heals by 33%. Stacks in duration.
  • Slow
    Slow is a condition that reduces the activation time of skills and abilities.
  • Taunt
    Taunt is a control effect that forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill.
  • Torment
    Deals damage every second; deals additional damage if moving; stacks intensity.
  • Vulnerability
    Increases damage the target takes by 1%. Stacks in intensity.
  • Weakness
    Causes 50% of attacks to be glancing and reduces endurance regeneration by 50%. Stacks in duration.


  • Break Stun
    Stun break is an effect which can break control effects on a character.
  • Daze
    Interrupts and prevents the target from using skills for a period of time.
  • Float
    Forces the affected target(s) to move towards the surface.
  • Knockdown
    Interrupts and causes the foe to be unable to move or use skills for a short duration. Knocked down foes fall to the ground.
  • Launch
    Interrupts and tosses a character into the air.
  • Pull
    Shortens the distance between the user and the foe by drawing one of them to another. If a foe is pulled, this can result in an interrupt.
  • Push
    Physically pushes foes away from the player and interrupts them.
  • Sink
    Forces the affected target(s) to move away from the surface.
  • Stun
    Interrupts, immobilizes, and incapacitates foes for a short duration.
  • Teleport
    Teleport to target location.
  • Teleport
    Teleport (alternatively, flash) is a mechanic that causes the user or target(s) to instantly move from one location to another.

Fields & Finishers

  • Dark Field
    Dark Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Blindness
    Leap Finisher: Blindness
    Projectile Finisher: Life stealing
    Whirl Finsher: Leeching Bolts
  • Ethereal Field
    Ethereal Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Chaos Armor
    Leap Finisher: Chaos Armor
    Projectile Finisher: Confusion
    Whirl Finsher: Confounding Bolts
  • Fire Field
    Fire Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Might
    Leap Finisher: Fire Shield
    Projectile Finisher: Burning
    Whirl Finsher: Burning Bolts
  • Ice Field
    Ice Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Frost Aura
    Leap Finisher: Frost Aura
    Projectile Finisher: Chilled
    Whirl Finsher: Chilling Bolts
  • Light Field
    Light Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Retaliation
    Leap Finisher: Retaliation
    Projectile Finisher: Remove Condition
    Whirl Finsher: Cleansing Bolts
  • Lightning Field
    Lightning Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Swiftness
    Leap Finisher: Dazing Strike
    Projectile Finisher: Vulnerability
    Whirl Finsher: Brutal Bolts
  • Poison Field
    Poison Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Weakness
    Leap Finisher: Weakness
    Projectile Finisher: Poison
    Whirl Finsher: Poison Bolts
  • Revealed
    Revealed is an effect applied when stealth is broken, for example by entering combat or exiting a Shadow Refuge circle prematurely.
  • Smoke Field
    Smoke Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Stealth
    Leap Finisher: Stealth
    Projectile Finisher: Blindness
    Whirl Finsher: Blinding Bolts
  • Super Speed
    Activate your slick shoes, enabling you to move at superior speeds.
  • Water Field
    Water Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Healing
    Leap Finisher: Healing
    Projectile Finisher: Regeneration
    Whirl Finsher: Healing Bolts
  • Blast Finisher
    Blast Combo Effects

    Dark: Area Blindness
    Ethereal: Area Chaos Armor
    Fire: Area Might
    Ice: Area Frost Aura
    Light: Area Retaliation
    Lightning: Area Swiftness
    Poison: Area Weakness
    Smoke: Area Stealth
    Water: Area Healing
  • Leap Finisher
    Leap Combo Effects

    Dark: Blindness
    Ethereal: Chaos Armor
    Fire: Fire Shield
    Ice: Frost Aura
    Light: Retaliation
    Lightning: Dazing Strike
    Poison: Weakness
    Smoke: Stealth
    Water: Healing
  • Projectile Finisher
    Projectile Combo Effects

    Dark: Life stealing
    Ethereal: Confusion
    Fire: Burning
    Ice: Chilled
    Light: Remove Condition
    Lightning: Vulnerability
    Poison: Poison
    Smoke: Blindness
    Water: Regeneration
  • Whirl Finisher
    Whirl Combo Effects

    Dark: Leeching Bolts
    Ethereal: Confounding Bolts
    Fire: Burning Bolts
    Ice: Chilling Bolts
    Light: Cleansing Bolts
    Lightning: Brutal Bolts
    Poison: Poison Bolts
    Smoke: Blinding Bolts
    Water: Healing Bolts

IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels

Armor & Runes

PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)

Rune Stat Totals

  • Condition Damage 175
  • Condition Duration 15%

Rune Bonuses

PvP Rune of the Nightmare
  1. Condition Damage: 25
  2. Condition Duration: 5%
  3. Condition Damage: 50
  4. Condition Duration: 10%
  5. Condition Damage: 100
  6. 50% chance when struck to inflict fear for 1 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)

Accessories & Jewels

Settler's Amulet
  • Toughness: 1200
  • Condition Damage: 900
  • Healing Power: 900

Accessory Totals

  • Toughness:1200
  • Condition Damage:900
  • Healing Power:900

Weapon Set Sigils

PvP Axe
  • Weapon Strength: 857-1048
PvP Dagger
  • Weapon Strength: 924-981
Sigil of Superior Energy
You gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)
Sigil of Superior Geomancy
You bleed nearby foes for 10s when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

Weapon Set I

Sigil of Superior Energy

You gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

Sigil of Superior Geomancy

You bleed nearby foes for 10s when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

PvP Sword
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
PvP Torch
  • Weapon Strength: 789-926
Sigil of Superior Geomancy
You bleed nearby foes for 10s when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)
Sigil of Superior Energy
You gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

Weapon Set II

Sigil of Superior Geomancy

You bleed nearby foes for 10s when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

Sigil of Superior Energy

You gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 9s)

  • Weapon Strength: -
  • Weapon Strength: -

Water Weapon I

Water Weapon II

Upgrade Item Details

In PvP; The runes I've used so far are Balthazar and Nightmare runes. Balth because of the increase in burn duration, Nightmare because of the increase in all condition durations and the fear proc that comes from it. I prefer these two for these benefits but you may prefer something else.


In PvP; So far, I favour Settler's or Carrion. These two offer different things. Carrion offers a lot of health and damage whilst Settler's is all about sustainability. It makes regen tick for 200 per second which can be quite good for survivability.


In WvW or PvE, I suggest the Dire set.


In PvP I'm currently using Geomancy and Energy on both weapons but WvW players may decide they want something else.

V. Basic Gameplay

Fighting Engies, other Rangers, Warriors; This is your standard fare of evade, dodge, burst condis. If you are unlucky enough to face an LB ranger, make sure to use line of sight to force them closer and then use your superior melee skills to end their existence.


You can also easily deal with Warrior Rampage by evading dodging and activating Signet of Stone when you most need it. Make sure you're constantly apply pressure to them whilst they are in the form so that if you reach a high enough stack, they are forced out of it.


Depending on the mesmer you're fighting, it can be tricky. I've stalemated some condi mesmers but it is literally impossible to nail them without forcing them to waste all their escape skills by spacing out the way you use your Crowd control but since mesmer shatter skills reset at 50% health, it's really hard to put them down. When your burst, you have to hope that they can't cleanse


These guys are fun to fight. I've been able to stalemate several fights and even blow some eles from 100-0 with a well placed chain of CCs and condition damage. They will cleanse a lot so it is best to start the condition/cc chain when it seems like they are about to leave Water attunement. This will give you 8s to hit them hard with condis if they are D/D.


If they are Scepter/Focus or Dagger/Focus, it can be a lot harder seeing as they have quite a few more ways to blind, CC, cleanse and become immune to damage. so you literally have to do a lot of maths and calculus to beat them. If you can force them to use their invulnerabilities early, then there's a good chance you can 1v1 them. That or you could just call a friend to help you out. I do believe the more skilled Rangers out there will be able to take out a good amount of players with this build. It just takes a bit of getting used to when it comes to the rotation.


Watch the vid below if you want to get more visual info about the build. Skip to 13:35 to see gameplay of the build and 17:25 for the explanation on the rotation.

Main Skill Rotation

Crippling Talon½ 12
Throw a dagger to bleed and cripple your foe.
Damage: 252Crippled: 6 sx3Bleeding: 8 s (1020 damage)Combo Finisher: ProjectileRange: 1,200
Throw Torch½ 12
Throw your torch and burn your foe.
Damage: 151x2Burning: 6 s (1968 damage)Range: 1,200
Serpent's Strike1 15
Do an evasive roll around your target, striking them and poisoning them.
Damage: 235x2Poison: 6 s (504 damage)Range: 130
Brutal Charge40
Leap at your foe and knock them down.
Damage: 248Knockdown: 2 sCombo Finisher: LeapRange: 350
Spike Trap ½ 20
Trap. Set a trap that bleeds and cripples foes.
x6Bleeding: 6.5 sDamage: 49Crippled: 2.66 sKnockdown: On initial trap triggerDamage radius: 240Trap radius: 240
Bonfire½ 20
Set a fire around you, burning foes.
Duration: 8Damage (8x): 256x8Burning: 3 s (2624 damage)Radius: 240Combo Field: Fire
Splitblade¾ 6
Throw a spread pattern of five whirling axes that bleeds foes.
Damage (5x): 170x5Bleeding: 6 s (1275 damage)Combo Finisher: Projectile (20% chance)Range: 900
Terrifying Howl2 36
Pet skills. Howl at foes to send them running in fear.
Damage: 49Fear: 2 sRange: 500
Winter's Bite½ 10
Throw an axe to chill your foe. Your pet's next attack inflicts weakness.
Damage: 168Chilled: 3 sRange: 900
Entangle ¾ 60
Survival. Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.
Duration: 20Damage: 49Bleeding: 8 s (6800 damage)Immobilized: 1 sRange: 600
Fire Breath24
Pet skills. Breathe a cone of fire that burns foes.
Damage (5x): 305Burning: 5 s (1640 damage)Range: 250
Tail Swipe ½ 30
Attack all surrounding foes with a tail swipe.
Damage: 647Combo Finisher: BlastRange: 225

The above is what you'd like to see happen but obviously it's never that easy.
But follow the tips below and you should be able to pull of different parts of the above rotation at several points in your fight;


- When your Wolf pet manages a knockdown, chain it into the burning field, this will force them to pop their stun breaks or their defensive skills because they definitely don't want to be in that fire. If they don't have any stun breaks, chain it into the Spike Trap + Bonfire, swap pets, and use F2, this will keep the target in the fire field for a bit longer and then you can use Axe skills and other skills to multiply stacks on the target.


- You can chain a successful Entangle into Spike trap and bonfire as well.


- Terrying howl to fear a target into a spike trap then chain that into bonfire and Salamnder fire breath.


- Or Chain any successful taunt into a chain of bleeds and poison.

VI. Full Gameplay Video

Me playing a full match with the build;


Post a Comment
@ 12:01 PM, Fri July 24 2015 Reply
Just started playing a ranger, and I'm not the best at builds, that said I really like this build. Incorporating pet skills more than just "Use wolf for fear" is commendable and I personally like main-hand Axe. Good luck with this!
Ceimash @ 11:02 AM, Sat July 25 2015 Reply
Thanks! Glad you like it.