Necromancer PvE | Dungeon Scepter/Dagger, Scepter/Warhorn | Damage Core Cond Necro
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A meh core cond necro build, you really should be running the power one if you only have the core game.
I. Weapons and Skills
Verata's Wand
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90
Verata's Razor
- Weapon Strength: 970-1030
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90
Verata's Wand
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90
Verata's Herald
- Weapon Strength: 855-945
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90
- Rending CurseBleed your foe.Damage: 118Bleeding: 4.5 s (170 damage)Range: 900
- Putrid CursePoison your foe.Damage: 168Bleeding: 4.5 s (170 damage)Poison: 6 s (336 damage)Range: 900
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- Haunt20Command your shadow fiend to teleport to and blind a foe.Damage: 525Blind: 5 sLife Force: 10%Radius: 120Range: 1,200
- Rigor Mortis50Immobilize your bone fiend, and it will immobilize foes.Damage (2x): 716Immobilized: 2 s
- 0
- 0
Weapon and Skill Details
You dont need 2 Scepters with malice just put 1 in the 1st weapon set, then equip only the offhand on the 2nd weapon set.
If you need projectile defense take off Bone Fiend and Bring Corrosive Poison Cloud (CPC) instead.
For CC you use warhorn 4, dont take off plage because it will be a huge dps loss.
- Barbed PrecisionCritical hits have a 33% chance to inflict bleeding. The duration of your applied bleeding stacks is increased by 20%.
- Plague SendingWhen you have 3 or more conditions on you your next critical hit casts Plague Signet on your target. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus of Signets of Suffering.
- Chilling DarknessBlinding a foe inflicts chill on them for 2 seconds. 5-second internal cooldown
- Furious DemiseWhen you enter shroud, gain fury for 5 seconds.
- Master of CorruptionReduces recharge of corruption skills by 33% but causes corruption skills to apply additional conditions to you when cast. (Condition applied varies per skill.)
- Path of CorruptionShroud skill 2 converts boons on struck foes to conditions.
- TerrorCauses fear to deal damage per second scaling with your condition damage stat. Damage is increased vs foes that have at least one other condition on them.
- Target the WeakYour critical hit chance is increased by 2% for each condition on your target. Additionally you gain condition damage equal to 13% of your precision.
- Weakening ShroudCritical hits inflict weakness for 5 seconds (10s ICD). When you enter shroud cast Enfeeble on nearby foes (Enfeeble is functionally identical to the dagger skill Enfeebling Blood.)
- Parasitic ContagionYou are healed for 10% of your outgoing condition damage.
- Lingering CurseGain 150 condition damage while wielding a scepter. The base duration of all scepter conditions is increased by 50%.
Blood Magic
- Mark of EvasionCast Mark of Blood when you dodge roll. (8s ICD)
- Ritual of LifeRevive allies 10% faster. When you start reviving an ally cast Well of Blood. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus of Vampiric Wells.
- Quickening ThirstReduces recharge of dagger skills by 33% if used while you are over 75% health. Move 25% faster while wielding at least one dagger.
- Blood BondWhen you inflict at least 4 stacks of bleeding to a single target cast Lesser Signet of Vampirism on them. This trait benefits from the recharge bonus of Signets of Suffering.
- VampiricYou siphon health with your attacks. Your minions siphon health and give it to you.
- Life from DeathWhen you exit shroud you heal and partially revive allies around you.
- Banshee’s WailReduces recharge of warhorn skills by 20% and increases effect durations for warhorn skills by 50%.
- Vampiric PresenceYou and allies near you siphon health with attacks (combat only). This effect stacks with the siphoning granted by Vampiric.
- Last RitesGain increasing healing power based on how low your health is. Other allies near you do not bleed out while downed (combat only).
- Vampiric RitualsReduces recharge of well skills by 20%. Wells siphon health for you every pulse and grant protection to allies when cast.
- Unholy MartyrDraws conditions from allies when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud. Gain life force each time a condition is transferred.
- TransfusionShroud skill 4 heals and partially revives nearby allies. Additionally you teleport up to 5 nearby downed allies to your location while channeling this skill.
Soul Reaping
- GluttonyIncrease life force gain from skills by 10%.
- Unyielding BlastShroud skill 1 pierces an inflicts 2 stacks of vulnerability for 10 seconds to targets it hits. Increased number of targets pierced to 5 from 4.
- Soul MarksMark skills are now unblockable and generate 3% life force when triggered.
- Speed of ShadowsIncreases movement speed while in shroud by 25% and decreases recharge of shroud by 30%.
- Last GaspGain Spectral Armor when your health falls below the threshold (50%).
- Spectral MasteryReduces recharge of spectral skills by 20% and increases duration by 50%. Additionally, when you activate a spectral skill you gain 5% life force.
- Vital PersistenceLife force drains 50% slower while in shroud and the recharge of shroud skills is reduced by 15%.
- Fear of DeathFear duration is 50% longer. When you are downed, fear foes around you for 1s.
- Strength of UndeathIncreases maximum life force pool by 15%. While above 50% lifeforce you deal 5% additional damage.
- Foot in the GraveWhen you enter shroud gain 1 stack of stability for 3 seconds and break out of stun.
- Death PerceptionWhile you are in shroud you have an additional 50% chance to critical hit.
- DhuumfireShroud skill 1 inflicts 1 stack of burning for 3 seconds when it hits.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 19612 (+400)
- Vitality 1040 (+40)
- Armor 1967 (+0)
- Toughness 1000 (+0)
- Attack 3006 (+961)
- Power 1961 (+961)
- Critical Hit 51% (+51%)
- Precision 1984 (+984)
Secondary Stats
- Bleeding Duration 65% (+65%)
- Condition Damage 2001 (+2001)
- Condition Duration 20% (+20%)
- Damage 1045 (+0%)
- Defense 967 (+0)
- Experience from Kills 10% (+10%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items
Food Nourishment
Utility Nourishment
Toxic Focusing Crystal
Duration: 30min
Condition Damage: 100
Condition Duration: 10%
Experience from Kills: 10%
Condition Damage: 100
Condition Duration: 10%
Experience from Kills: 10%
- (30min)
- Condition Damage: 100
- Condition Duration: 10%
- Experience from Kills: 10%
Armor & Runes
Verata's Masque
- Defense: 77
- Condition Damage: 63
- Power: 45
- Precision: 45
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Verata's Epaulets
- Defense: 77
- Condition Damage: 47
- Power: 34
- Precision: 34
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Verata's Doublet
- Defense: 330
- Condition Damage: 141
- Power: 101
- Precision: 101
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Verata's Wristguards
- Defense: 140
- Condition Damage: 47
- Power: 34
- Precision: 34
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Verata's Breeches
- Defense: 203
- Condition Damage: 94
- Power: 67
- Precision: 67
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Verata's Footwear
- Defense: 140
- Condition Damage: 47
- Power: 34
- Precision: 34
Superior Rune of the Krait
- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Armor Stat Totals
- Defense 967
- Condition Damage 614
- Bleeding Duration 45%
- Power 315
- Precision 315
Rune Bonuses
Superior Rune of the Krait- Condition Damage: 25
- Bleeding Duration: 10%
- Condition Damage: 50
- +15% Bleeding Duration; 25% chance when struck to inflict bleeding for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)
- Condition Damage: 100
- +20% Bleeding Duration; when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding, torment, and poison for 8 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:466
- Precision:489
- Condition Damage:629
- Vitality:40
Weapon Set Sigils
Verata's Wand
- Weapon Strength: 940-1060
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90
Verata's Razor
- Weapon Strength: 970-1030
- Condition Damage: 125
- Power: 90
- Precision: 90