Warrior PvE | Dungeon Greatsword, Axe/Mace | Damage Meta Training Wheels

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Are you new to Warrioring and/or want to run the 30/0/0/10/30 DPS Meta [1], [2], but have trouble staying alive, or keeping your health above 90% for at least 25% of the fight (required for Scholar Runes)?


Well this is a build that plays exactly the same way, yet sacrifices a little bit of damage for some of the strongest sustain (continuous automatic self-healing) in the game and a little bit more Armor.

I. Weapons and Skills

Berserker's Greatsword
  • Weapon Strength: 1095-1210
  • Power: 239
  • Precision: 171
  • Ferocity: 171
  • Weapon Strength: -
Berserker's Axe
  • Weapon Strength: 857-1048
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Mace
  • Weapon Strength: 895-1010
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Harpoon Gun
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Spear
  • Weapon Strength: 996-1100
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
  • Arcing Slice¾
    Burst. Strike your foe with an uppercut and gain fury.
    Damage: 480Level 1 adrenaline: 3 sLevel 2 adrenaline: 6 sLevel 3 adrenaline: 9 sRange: 150
  • Greatsword Swing½
    Slash your foe.
    Damage: 259Vulnerability: 8 sRange: 130
    • Greatsword Slice½
      Slice your foe.
      Damage: 259Vulnerability: 8 sRange: 130
    • Brutal Strike½
      Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
      Damage: 333Range: 130
  • Hundred Blades8
    Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
    Damage (8x): 1,624Final strike damage: 406Range: 130
    • 0
    • 0
  • Whirlwind Attack¼ 10
    Whirl in a target's direction, slashing foes along your path.
    Damage: 259Combo Finisher: WhirlRange: 450
    • 0
    • 0
  • Bladetrail¾ 15
    Throw your greatsword at your foe so that it returns to you, crippling foes along the way.
    Damage: 277Crippled: 4 sCombo Finisher: ProjectileRange: 900
    • 0
    • 0
  • Rush2 20
    Charge and strike your foe.
    Damage: 628Range: 1,200
    • 0
    • 0
  • Healing Signet16
    Signet Passive: Grants regeneration.
    Signet Active: Heal yourself and gain resistance.
    Healing: 3,320Resistance: 6 s
    • 0
  • "For Great Justice!"25
    Shout. Grant fury and might to yourself and allies.
    Fury: 8 sx3Might: 25 sRadius: 600
    • 0
    • 0
  • 0
    • 0
  • Signet of Rage1 48
    Signet Passive: Grants adrenaline.
    Signet Active: Gain fury, might, and swiftness.
    x5Might: 30 sFury: 30 sSwiftness: 30 s
    • 0

Weapon and Skill Details

Same weapon and skillbar setup as the standard 30/0/0/10/30 build, except with Healing Signet for the healing utility.


Swap your Elite between Signet of Rage and Battle Standard as necessary.


Utility skills are selected for the Fury boon or +Precision, all of which are crucial since this build loses +15% Crit Chance by giving up Heightened Focus.


Last utility slot left blank - players choice. On easy fights, Signet of Might or Signet of Fury work, or Banner of Strength if you're the only warrior. On fights with conditions, Shake it Off! is good. Etc.

II. Traits

Trait Details

Compare to the traits of the standard 30/0/0/10/30 build. Everything is the same except the 15 points moved to Defense.

III. Stat Specifics & Effects

Primary Stats

  • Health 20012 (+800)
  • Vitality 996 (+80)
  • Armor 2277 (+150)
  • Toughness 1066 (+150)
  • Attack 4133 (+2117)
  • Power 2862 (+1946)
  • Critical Hit 45% (+45%)
  • Precision 1852 (+936)

Secondary Stats

  • Agony Resistance 30 (+30)
  • Burst Recharge 25% (+25%)
  • Condition Duration 30% (+30%)
  • Critical Damage 85% (+85%)
  • Damage 1271 (+16%)
  • Defense 1211 (+0)
  • Experience from Kills 20% (+20%)
  • Ferocity 1286 (+1286)
  • Healing Power 150 (+150)


  • Aegis
    Block the next attack.
  • Distortion
    Allows mesmers to evade attacks for some time.
  • Frenzy
    Increases damage taken by 25%. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Frosty Armor
    Chills foes that hit you.
  • Fury
    20% critical chance increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Haste
    Regenerate endurance at 50% effectiveness when under the effects of this skill. It's typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Invulnerability
    Prevents the target from taking damage or receiving conditions. It is also placed on rallied players for one second.
  • Might
    X damage per attack increase. Stacks intensity.
  • Protection
    33% damage reduction. Stacks in duration.
  • Quickening Zephyr
    Prevents healing. It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness.
  • Quickness
    Makes all skills and actions 50% faster.
  • Regeneration
    Regenerates X health per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Rejuvenation
    Regenerates health. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession through the Virtue of Resolve.
  • Resistance
    Resistance temporarily negates the affected target of all effects caused by conditions.
  • Retaliation
    Does X damage to an opponent each time they hit you. Stacks in duration.
  • Smiting
    Causes every fifth attack to apply burning. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession.
  • Stability
    Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, or feared.
  • Stealth
    Allows the user to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being spotted by enemy NPCs.
  • Swiftness
    33% movement speed increase. Stacks in duration.
  • Vigor
    Faster endurance regeneration. Stacks in duration.


  • Agony
    Agony is an effect unique to Fractals of the Mists that removes a percentage of the player's health every second and reduces received healing by ~50%.
  • Bleeding
    Bleeding is a stackable condition that deals damage over time.
  • Blind
    Causes the target's next hit to miss instead.
  • Burning
    Inflicts X damage per second. Stacks in duration.
  • Chilled
    Reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 66%. Stacks in duration.
  • Confusion
    Inflicts X damage each time a foe uses skill. Stacks in intensity.
  • Crippled
    Crippled is a condition which decreases movement speed by 50%. Stacks in duration.
  • Fear
    Causes the target to run directly away from the caster.
  • Immobilized
    Immobilized is a condition which prevents movement and dodging. Victims also can't turn. Stacks in duration.
  • Poison
    Inflicts X damage per second. Reduces outgoing heals by 33%. Stacks in duration.
  • Slow
    Slow is a condition that reduces the activation time of skills and abilities.
  • Taunt
    Taunt is a control effect that forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill.
  • Torment
    Deals damage every second; deals additional damage if moving; stacks intensity.
  • Vulnerability
    Increases damage the target takes by 1%. Stacks in intensity.
  • Weakness
    Causes 50% of attacks to be glancing and reduces endurance regeneration by 50%. Stacks in duration.


  • Break Stun
    Stun break is an effect which can break control effects on a character.
  • Daze
    Interrupts and prevents the target from using skills for a period of time.
  • Float
    Forces the affected target(s) to move towards the surface.
  • Knockdown
    Interrupts and causes the foe to be unable to move or use skills for a short duration. Knocked down foes fall to the ground.
  • Launch
    Interrupts and tosses a character into the air.
  • Pull
    Shortens the distance between the user and the foe by drawing one of them to another. If a foe is pulled, this can result in an interrupt.
  • Push
    Physically pushes foes away from the player and interrupts them.
  • Sink
    Forces the affected target(s) to move away from the surface.
  • Stun
    Interrupts, immobilizes, and incapacitates foes for a short duration.
  • Teleport
    Teleport to target location.
  • Teleport
    Teleport (alternatively, flash) is a mechanic that causes the user or target(s) to instantly move from one location to another.

Fields & Finishers

  • Dark Field
    Dark Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Blindness
    Leap Finisher: Blindness
    Projectile Finisher: Life stealing
    Whirl Finsher: Leeching Bolts
  • Ethereal Field
    Ethereal Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Chaos Armor
    Leap Finisher: Chaos Armor
    Projectile Finisher: Confusion
    Whirl Finsher: Confounding Bolts
  • Fire Field
    Fire Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Might
    Leap Finisher: Fire Shield
    Projectile Finisher: Burning
    Whirl Finsher: Burning Bolts
  • Ice Field
    Ice Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Frost Aura
    Leap Finisher: Frost Aura
    Projectile Finisher: Chilled
    Whirl Finsher: Chilling Bolts
  • Light Field
    Light Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Retaliation
    Leap Finisher: Retaliation
    Projectile Finisher: Remove Condition
    Whirl Finsher: Cleansing Bolts
  • Lightning Field
    Lightning Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Swiftness
    Leap Finisher: Dazing Strike
    Projectile Finisher: Vulnerability
    Whirl Finsher: Brutal Bolts
  • Poison Field
    Poison Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Weakness
    Leap Finisher: Weakness
    Projectile Finisher: Poison
    Whirl Finsher: Poison Bolts
  • Revealed
    Revealed is an effect applied when stealth is broken, for example by entering combat or exiting a Shadow Refuge circle prematurely.
  • Smoke Field
    Smoke Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Stealth
    Leap Finisher: Stealth
    Projectile Finisher: Blindness
    Whirl Finsher: Blinding Bolts
  • Super Speed
    Activate your slick shoes, enabling you to move at superior speeds.
  • Water Field
    Water Combo Effects

    Blast Finisher: Area Healing
    Leap Finisher: Healing
    Projectile Finisher: Regeneration
    Whirl Finsher: Healing Bolts
  • Blast Finisher
    Blast Combo Effects

    Dark: Area Blindness
    Ethereal: Area Chaos Armor
    Fire: Area Might
    Ice: Area Frost Aura
    Light: Area Retaliation
    Lightning: Area Swiftness
    Poison: Area Weakness
    Smoke: Area Stealth
    Water: Area Healing
  • Leap Finisher
    Leap Combo Effects

    Dark: Blindness
    Ethereal: Chaos Armor
    Fire: Fire Shield
    Ice: Frost Aura
    Light: Retaliation
    Lightning: Dazing Strike
    Poison: Weakness
    Smoke: Stealth
    Water: Healing
  • Projectile Finisher
    Projectile Combo Effects

    Dark: Life stealing
    Ethereal: Confusion
    Fire: Burning
    Ice: Chilled
    Light: Remove Condition
    Lightning: Vulnerability
    Poison: Poison
    Smoke: Blindness
    Water: Regeneration
  • Whirl Finisher
    Whirl Combo Effects

    Dark: Leeching Bolts
    Ethereal: Confounding Bolts
    Fire: Burning Bolts
    Ice: Chilling Bolts
    Light: Cleansing Bolts
    Lightning: Brutal Bolts
    Poison: Poison Bolts
    Smoke: Blinding Bolts
    Water: Healing Bolts

Stat and Effect Details

Compare to the stats of the standard 30/0/0/10/30 build to see the damage tradeoffs.

IV. Food, Armor, Trinkets & Upgrade Items

Food Nourishment

Mango Pie
Duration: 30min
Gain 85 health every second
Vitality: 70
Experience from Kills: 10%
  • (30min)
  • Gain 85 health every second
  • Vitality: 70
  • Experience from Kills: 10%

Utility Nourishment

Superior Sharpening Stone
Duration: 30min
Gain power equal to 6% of your toughness
Gain power equal to 4% of your vitality
Experience from Kills: 10%
  • (30min)
  • Gain power equal to 6% of your toughness
  • Gain power equal to 4% of your vitality
  • Experience from Kills: 10%

Armor & Runes

Berserker's Draconic Helm
  • Defense: 121
  • Power: 60
  • Precision: 43
  • Ferocity: 43
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.
Berserker's Draconic Pauldrons
  • Defense: 121
  • Power: 45
  • Precision: 32
  • Ferocity: 32
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.
Berserker's Draconic Coat
  • Defense: 363
  • Power: 134
  • Precision: 96
  • Ferocity: 96
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.
Berserker's Draconic Gauntlets
  • Defense: 182
  • Power: 45
  • Precision: 32
  • Ferocity: 32
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.
Berserker's Draconic Legs
  • Defense: 242
  • Power: 90
  • Precision: 64
  • Ferocity: 64
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.
Berserker's Draconic Boots
  • Defense: 182
  • Power: 45
  • Precision: 32
  • Ferocity: 32
Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.

Armor Stat Totals

  • Defense 1211
  • Power 594
  • Ferocity 399
  • Precision 299

Rune Bonuses

Superior Rune of the Scholar
  1. Power: 25
  2. Ferocity: 35
  3. Power: 50
  4. Ferocity: 65
  5. Power: 100
  6. +10% damage while health is above 90%.

Accessories & Jewels

Mark of the Tethyos HousesOffensive Slot
  • Power: 157
  • Precision: 108
  • Ferocity: 108
Mighty InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Power: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Berserker's BackOffensive Slot
  • Power: 63
  • Precision: 40
  • Ferocity: 40
Mighty InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Power: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Ring of Red DeathOffensive Slot
  • Power: 126
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Mighty InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Power: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Crystalline BandDefensive Slot
  • Power: 126
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Vital InfusionDefensive Infusion
  • Vitality: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Althea's AshesOffensive Slot
  • Power: 110
  • Precision: 74
  • Ferocity: 74
Mighty InfusionOffensive Infusion
  • Power: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5
Magister's Field JournalDefensive Slot
  • Power: 110
  • Precision: 74
  • Ferocity: 74
Vital InfusionDefensive Infusion
  • Vitality: 5
  • Agony Resistance: 5

Accessory Totals

  • Power:712
  • Precision:466
  • Ferocity:466
  • Agony Resistance:30
  • Vitality:10

Weapon Set Sigils

Berserker's Greatsword
  • Weapon Strength: 1095-1210
  • Power: 239
  • Precision: 171
  • Ferocity: 171
  • Weapon Strength: -
Sigil of Superior Force
+5% damage.

Weapon Set I

Sigil of Superior Force

+5% damage.

Berserker's Axe
  • Weapon Strength: 857-1048
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Mace
  • Weapon Strength: 895-1010
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Superior Sigil of the Night
Outgoing damage is increased by 10% at night.
Sigil of Superior Battle
You gain 2 stacks of might for 20s when you swap to this weapon while in combat.

Weapon Set II

Superior Sigil of the Night

Outgoing damage is increased by 10% at night.

Sigil of Superior Battle

You gain 2 stacks of might for 20s when you swap to this weapon while in combat.

Berserker's Harpoon Gun
  • Weapon Strength: 905-1000
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Berserker's Spear
  • Weapon Strength: 996-1100
  • Power: 120
  • Precision: 85
  • Ferocity: 85
Sigil of Superior Force
+5% damage.
Sigil of Superior Force
+5% damage.

Water Weapon I

Sigil of Superior Force

+5% damage.

Water Weapon II

Sigil of Superior Force

+5% damage.

Upgrade Item Details

Exact same gear as the 30/0/0/10/30 meta build - full Zerker, Scholar Runes, +Power Infusions if you can get them.


Use whatever combination of +% Damage Sigils and +Might Sigils give you the best DPS. The three primary ones - Force, Night, and Battle are shown here. Alternatives are Sigils that provide +10% damage vs a particular mob type.


Only difference is Food, we're using Regen food instead of the primary DPS Butternut Squash Soup. That's a rather large loss, and of the three sustain sources in this build, Food is the weakest, so feel free to try this build but with the DPS food instead of sustain food.


Also feel free to try Omnomberry Ghosts which potentially heal for more but stop working if you stop attacking.

V. Basic Gameplay

This build still has the exact same rotation and playstyle as the meta, the only difference being that you never use Healing Signet, rather you allow the Healing Signet passive healing to do all the work.


You still have to avoid big damage spikes with dodge or evasion skills while maxmizing time-on-target and correct rotation. The rotation is exactly the same as the glass canon meta build, but handles constant ambient damage significantly better.


If you drop too low on health, run away to a safe spot (out of line of sight) for a few seconds for the regen to work its magic, it's fast. Then jump back into battle. Repeat as necessary. After some practice you'll find this less and less necessary.

Main Skill Rotation

VI. Tradeoffs & Theorycrafting

Total Sustain


The total sustain, or Healing Per Second (HPS), of Healing Signet + Adrenal Health + Mango Pie is calculated as follows:


Assuming Level 80 with constantly full Adrenaline (since neither this build nor the meta ever use burst skills, Adrenaline is always full):


Healing Signet = (Base Regen + (Healing Coeff * Healing Power))/3s
= (392 + .05*150)/3s
= 133 HPS


Adrenal Health = (Base Regen + (Healing Coeff * 150))
= (360 + .15*150)
= 383 HPS


Mango Pie = 85 HPS

Total = 133 + 383 + 85 = 601 HPS




601 HPS is 12,020 over 20s, and 18,030 healing over 30s. Compare to our other two heals:





Compared to the 30/0/0/10/30 Meta DPS build, this build gives up the following:


  • +15% Crit Chance from Heightened Focus
  • +5% Crit Damage from the Discipline Traitline
  • Whatever you chose for the Tactics Adept trait (usually either +150 Power to nearby allies or +3% Damage Per Boon on you)
  • +100 Vitality and +10% Boon Duration from the Tactics traitline
  • +100 Power and +10% Crit Damage from food


However, it gains:


  • +601 HPS.
  • +5% Damage to Weakened Foes from Cull the Weak in the Defense traitline. On fights where you can run Skale Venom or have another class that can keep 100% duration Weakness on the boss, you get that +5% to compensate somewhat for the lost damage.
  • Potentially higher uptime on 90%+ Health for Scholar Runes.
  • +150 Toughness and +150 Healing Power from Defense traitline.
  • +70 Vitality from Food



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