Warrior sPvP | Fun Greatsword, Hammer | Roamer Shin's HAMtastic Warrior Build
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Table of Contents
A fast-paced, high-risk-yet-high-damage hammer/greatsword build designed around getting into fights quickly, locking down opponents, and tearing them apart before they can react. This build can be used in PvP or WvW.
A video guide can be found here:
I. Weapons and Skills
- Greatsword Slice½Slice your foe.Damage: 259Vulnerability: 8 sRange: 130
- Brutal Strike½Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.Damage: 333Range: 130
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Weapon and Skill Details
Dolyak Signet is a viable alternative to Balanced Stance if you don't mind the longer cooldown.
- Reckless DodgeDeal damage to foes at the end of your dodge roll.
- Death from AboveFalling damage reduced by 50%. When you take falling damage launch foes away from your point of impact.
- Restorative StrengthGain 5 stacks of might for 6 seconds when you use a healing skill.
- Peak PerformanceReduces the recharge of Physical skills by 20%. Physical skills deal 10% more damage for each bar of adrenaline you have accrued.
- Building MomentumBurst skills restore 15 endurance if they hit.
- Body BlowStuns, dazes, knockbacks and knockdowns inflict weakness for 3 seconds and 2 stacks of bleeding for 6 seconds.
- Forceful GreatswordReduces the recharge of Greatsword and spear skills by 20% and increases damage of greatsword and spear skills by 10%. Additionally when you land a critical hit with these weapons you gain 1 stack of might for 5 seconds.
- Great FortitudeGain vitality equal to 10% of your power.
- Stick and MoveDeal 10% more damage while your endurance is not full. Adept
- Berserker’s PowerGain a 10/15/20% damage boost for 8 seconds after using a burst skill based on how much adrenaline was spent.
- Distracting StrikesInterrupts inflict 4 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds.
- Axe MasteryRecharge on axe skills is reduced by 20% and gain 150 ferocity for each axe you are wielding. When you critical hit with an axe you gain 2 additional adrenaline.
- Precise StrikesYour critical hits have a 33% chance to inflict 1 stack of bleeding for 4 seconds.
- Berserker’s FuryGain 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds while in combat. Striking a foe below 25% health grants fury for 5 seconds (can only trigger once every 10 seconds).
- Signet MasteryReduces recharge on signet skills by 20%. When you activate a signet gain a stacking 100 precision buff for 1 minute (maximum 5 stacks). Striking a foe below 50% health activates Signet of Might.
- OpportunistImmobilizing a target grants fury for 5 seconds (10s ICD).
- Rending StrikesYour critical hits have a 33% chance to inflict 1 stack of vulnerability for 8 seconds.
- Unuspecting FoeGain 50% increased critical hit chance against stunned foes.
- Deep StrikeFury you apply also gives 150 condition damage.
- BlademasterReduces recharge on sword skills by 20%. Sword skills have a 20% increased critical hit chance against bleeding foes.
- BloodlustDeal 5% additional damage to bleeding foes. Bleeding you inflict lasts 33% longer.
- Burst PrecisionBurst skills have a 100% critical hit chance.
- FuriousGain 1 additional adrenaline when you critical hit. Additionally, you gain 8 seconds of Furious Surge whenever you critical hit which increases condition damage by 10 per stack (maximum 25 stacks).
- Dual WieldingIncreases attack speed by 15% while wielding a sword, axe or mace in your offhand.
- Versatile RageGain 5 adrenaline when you swap weapons.
- Crack ShotReduces recharge of rifle and harpoon gun weapon skills by 20%. Rifle and harpoon gun shots pierce.
- Warrior’s SprintMove 25% faster while wielding melee weapons. Using a movement skill removes the immobilize condition.
- Vengeful ReturnThe Vengeance downed skill has a 100% chance to rally you if you kill a foe while it is active. When you rally you regain 25% additional health and 100 endurance.
- Fast HandsReduces recharge of weapon swap by 5 seconds.
- Inspiring Battle StandardBanners apply regeneration for 3 seconds every 3 seconds to allies in their radius while they are active.
- Destruction of the EmpoweredDeal 3% additional damage to foes for each boon they have on them.
- Brawler’s RecoveryRemove 1 condition whenever you swap weapons (combat only).
- Versatile PowerGain 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds whenever you swap weapons (combat only). Burst skill recharge is reduced by 15%.
- Merciless HammerReduces recharge of hammer weapon skills by 20%. Hammer skills deal 20% more damage to stunned, dazed, knocked down, or launched foes.
- Heightened FocusStriking a foe below 50% health grants quickness for 4 seconds (15s ICD).
- Burst MasteryBurst skills deal 7% more damage. Regain 3/7/10 adrenaline when using a burst skill based on the amount of adrenaline spent.
Trait Details
Should you feel your Burst skills are critting often enough that you don't need Burst Precision, you can swap it to Furious for more adrenaline generation.
Heightened Focus is a viable alternative to Merciless Hammer for faster burst at the cost of increased hammer cooldowns.
III. Stat Specifics & Effects
Primary Stats
- Health 24812 (+5600)
- Vitality 1560 (+560)
- Armor 2211 (+0)
- Toughness 1000 (+0)
- Attack 3325 (+1225)
- Power 2225 (+1225)
- Critical Hit 54% (+54%)
- Precision 2050 (+1050)
Secondary Stats
- Condition Duration (self) -20% (+-20%)
- Critical Damage 37% (+37%)
- Damage 1100 (+0%)
- Defense 1211 (+0)
- Ferocity 560 (+560)
- Might Duration 30% (+30%)
Fields & Finishers
IV. Runes, Sigils, Accessories & Jewels
Armor & Runes
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak
- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
Rune Stat Totals
- Power 175
- Might Duration 30%
- Condition Duration (self) -20%
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of Hoelbrak- Power: 25
- Might Duration: 10%
- Power: 50
- 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
- Power: 100
- +20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
Accessories & Jewels
Accessory Totals
- Power:1050
- Precision:1050
- Vitality:560
- Ferocity:560
Weapon Set Sigils
PvP Greatsword
- Weapon Strength: 995-1100
- Weapon Strength: -